DG Contributes to UN Online Tool to Monitor Funds for Haiti

July 6, 2010
Andrea Calabrese
Aid Effectiveness & Management

Responding to a request from the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, the Development Gateway has partnered with other organizations to build a system to help with Hatian reconstruction. The joint system, which partially adapts Aid Management Platform technology, will track damage reports and donor funding as well as pledges to Haiti.

“We see this tool as an important and critical component of Haiti’s reconstruction process,” said UN Resident Coordinator Nigel Fisher on the UN News Centre. In a speech on March 25th, former U.S. President Bill Clinton also lauded the partnership, saying "soon it will provide the information on how much money has been committed by public sources, national and international donors, and how much has been given and how it’s been spent." Before the earthquake struck, Haiti had contracted with Development Gateway for an aid management program.

The online portal is available at www.refondation.ht

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