Development Gateway Extends Support in Ethiopia

December 12, 2012
Wayan Vota
Aid Effectiveness & Management

Seven years ago, Development Gateway designed and piloted the Aid Management Program with local and international partners and the Ethiopian Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED). Today, AMP is embedded in Ethiopia’s aid effectiveness action plan and MOFED has declared AMP the official government system for capturing and reporting on aid activities.

AMP Ethiopia contains 886 completed or ongoing development assistance projects carried out between 1998 and 2012, totaling nearly $30 billion in aid flows financed by 46 donor agencies. MOFED staff can locate information and produce reports in a significantly shorter amount of time with this information at their fingertips.

Development Gateway is pleased to announce that we will be extending the implementation of the Aid Management Program with the government of Ethiopia. We will leverage our experience working on aid management in over 20 different countries around the world to support the government’s commitment to aid effectiveness. Our new activities will include:

  • Upgrading their underlying software platform to AMP 2.0 and assessing their needs for new results monitoring functionality
  • Training government staff and donors
  • Strengthen monitoring practices for Paris Indicators
  • Provide for government staff participation in the 2012 AMP Best Practices Workshop

MOFED also plans to enhance AMP’s geospatial functionalities, allow AMP users to enter and track data on basket funds, and integrate AMP with the government’s system for managing budget and financial information, known as the Integrated Financial Management Information System, or IFMIS.

Development Gateway looks forward to working with the government of Ethiopia over the coming year to help strengthen their effective use of the resources available for the country’s social and economic development.

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