AfDB Now Publishes Project-Level and Geocoded Data to IATI

July 2, 2013
Wayan Vota
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is now publishing its project-level data to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). The newly launched AfDB IATI feed includes geocoded data on all of its ongoing activities, developed in partnership with AidData. Development Gateway is proud to have collaborated with AfDB to reach this important milestone.

This publication is particularly noteworthy given that AfDB is the first multilateral development bank and second donor (after the UNOPS) to publish geocoding on all of its ongoing activities in IATI format. In taking this decisive action, AfDB, an endorser of the Open Aid Partnership, has demonstrated a clear commitment to full transparency that has established it as a leader within the donor community.

AfDB’s Quality Assurance and Results Department (ORQR) collaborated with AidData, through Development Gateway, to bring to light valuable geospatial information previously buried in lengthy project documents. The fruit of this two-year collaboration to progressively open up the Bank’s geographic data is a publicly accessible, geocoded dataset that encompasses project activities in over 5,300 sub-national locations across 51 countries across Africa.

In the future, this dataset will be made available through interactive maps on and the AfDB website. Most importantly, AfDB is committed to keeping its geocoded data current and is currently defining a sustainability plan that will incorporate geocoding tools into its existing reporting systems, requiring all project managers to geocode their projects early in the project life cycle.

Development Gateway looks forward to continuing its partnership with the African Development Bank in furthering this exciting initiative.

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