Australian Mark Fleeton Appointed CEO of Development Gateway Foundation

March 28, 2006
Andrea Calabrese

Mr. Mark Fleeton has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Development Gateway Foundation, an independent spin-off of the World Bank. The Development Gateway’s mission is to leverage the Internet for the benefit of people in developing countries, providing online solutions to strengthen good governance, improve the effectiveness of international aid and support local and global knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Mr. Fleeton has spent his career in the management of international aid to assist developing countries. He has been acting as Interim CEO of the Development Gateway since January 2. Prior to joining the Development Gateway, he was an Assistant Director General at AusAID, the Australian Agency for International Development, where he was responsible for program quality, knowledge management systems and the coordination of programs focused on information and communication technologies (ICTs) for development.

Prior to that position Mr. Fleeton worked in a range of policy, program and corporate support positions in AusAID, including over 10 years managing country programs in Asia and the Pacific. Mr. Fleeton also spent seven years in Australia’s Department of Finance.

"Web-based information and management processes can play a critical role in aid coordination and the efficiency of overall government operations in our partner countries," said Board Chairman Dr. Michael Hofmann, who is also a Director General in Germany’s federal ministry for international development assistance. "Mr. Fleeton has the experience, knowledge, skills and vision to help the Development Gateway continue its good work and make a major contribution in this area."

According to Mark Fleeton, "ICTs are tools, not ends in themselves. But they are tools of hope. The foundation’s programs demonstrate the practical ways in which the power of ICTs can be harnessed for development – by increasing transparency, enhancing the effectiveness of aid, and sharing knowledge among development practitioners."

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