Development Gateway Extends AMP Support In Honduras

February 21, 2013
Wayan Vota
Aid Effectiveness & Management

Development Gateway is pleased to announce that we will be extending the implementation of the Aid Management Program with the government of Honduras, thanks to the support of UNDP Honduras, the European Union, and the Canadian International Development Agency. We will continue the implementation of the AMP (or PGC in Spanish) to support the government’s commitment to increase the efficiency of aid and to make aid information more transparent.

DG will build on the last year of work with Honduras to:

  • Support the Technical Secretariat for Planning and External Cooperation (SEPLAN) to launch the PGC publicly, creating the first public portal of information on cooperation in Honduras
  • Explore linkages between the PGC and the government’s financial management systems
  • Provide capacity building for government staff and donors on the Aid Management Platform
  • Government staff participation in the 2013 AMP Best Practices Workshop

Through a combination of technical support and institutional strengthening activities, the Aid Management Program helps governments build capacity for managing information on development finance. Development Gateway looks forward continuing its partnership with the Government of Honduras and its partners over the coming year to help strengthen their aid management and planning capacities.

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