Open Call: Subnational Data Use Consultation

June 11, 2019 Global Data Policy
Paige Kirby
News/Events, Subnational

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call on us to “leave no one behind.” At the same time, there is an urgent need to empower individuals and communities with access to information and skills to help them thrive in the growing digital economy. But what investments can transform “data-driven decision-making” from a global commitment to a key component of community-centered development?

Over the past several months, we at Development Gateway have been exploring this question through the Des Chiffres et Des Jeunes (DCDJ) program, funded by the MCC/PEPFAR Data Collaboratives for Local Impact (DCLI) program; and with colleagues from Cooper/Smith, Global Integrity, IREX, John Snow, Inc., PATH, Results for Development, and the Open Institute.

From these conversations, we’re pleased to share Delivering Data Where it Counts: Considerations for Subnational Development Programming. This living document highlights the importance of investing in data use at the local level, as a means for (i) augmenting stakeholder involvement and co-responsibility, (ii) enabling better and more sustainable solutions, and (iii) addressing gender imbalance and future economic inequality.

The document also brings together a series of case studies to explore subnational programming themes related to:

  1. How to Measure Subnational Data Use
  2. How to Best Present Information for Subnational Data Use
  3. Removing Distinctions Between Producers and Users
  4. Community Listening and Engagement
  5. Prioritizing Gender and Social Inclusion

Last week, we held our first consultation event in Washington, DC and today, are expanding this consultation around the globe.


Figure 1: Discussion breakout sessions on each subnational programming theme at the June 5 consultation event.

We invite you to provide feedback and additional case studies, to help us raise awareness on the benefits of – and shape principles for – subnational data use.

In particular, we are keen for inputs and case studies from non-US based organizations, on lessons learned through work emphasizing gender and social inclusion, building data use skills, and sustainability.

Please review and provide feedback on the document, and help shape a set of principles for subnational data use. We look forward to sharing ongoing lessons learned, and debuting an expanded document and principles at the MCC-PEPFAR Data Collaboratives for Local Impact “DataRev” event in fall 2019.

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