Case Study

Aid Management Platform: Jordan

DG collaborated with UNDP to implement AMP, referred to in Jordan as the Aid Flows Information System (AFIS), for the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) of the Kingdom of Jordan.

2017 - 2018 Build Aid Management

Overview of the Aid Management Platform (AMP)

DG’s AMP is the global leader in aid information management systems (AIMS). It includes powerful tools for data management, reporting, and visualization of development assistance –all of which support evidence-based decision-making and resource allocation. AMP has been implemented by nearly 30 partner countries, and has a proven track record of sustainability. All implementations involve close coordination with a partner government’s Ministry of Finance/Planning, and include a technical needs assessment, data and process analysis, data management plan development, technological installation, data management and technical training, and outreach support. 

Meeting Needs in Jordan

In Jordan, the team began with an assessment trip to (i) determine AMP specifications based on MoPIC needs, and (ii) assess integration opportunities with the Jordan Response Information System for the Syria Crisis (JORISS) platform.

After completing an in-depth assessment, the team conducted a pilot mission to (i) install the platform on government servers, (ii) train key MoPIC staff, and (iii) socialize MoPIC donor relations units.

Based on MoPIC’s needs, the team also re-allocated budget in order to facilitate a Donor Roundtable, which brought together MoPIC, UNDP, EU, Canada, USAID, Germany, and DFID to be introduced to the platform, gather feedback, and provide input to the data management plan. The Donor Roundtable was an opportunity to facilitate stronger stakeholder engagement, coordinate tool usage across donors, and build partnerships for the future.

We then conducted a fourth and final close-out mission, which included further government and donor trainings, as well facilitating MoPIC’s presentation and feedback collection on the data management and technical support plan. 


“As the world continues to prioritize evidence-informed decision-making and face new challenges, AFIS’s capabilities will become even more relevant, useful, and used.”

Mays Abdel Aziz Government of Jordan’s Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC)

Reflecting on Success So Far and Looking Forward

To date, the platform has been populated with three years’ worth of contracted assistance data; streamlined MoPIC reporting processes; and enabled the generation of customizable reports and charts by donor, country, and sector, among others.

According to Ms. Aziz,

“to build on existing momentum, we will need to embrace newly-emerging concepts in ODA flows, particularly when it comes to the new financial, humanitarian, and development landscapes likely to emerge in a post-Covid world order with even better levels of trust, transparency, and accountability between the Government of Jordan, its citizens, and the international donor community.”