Aid Management Program: Uganda
In March 2020, DG launched an integration of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) with Uganda’s Program Budgeting System (PBS).
With this integration, information is effectively transmitted between the two systems while maintaining data integrity across both.
A Brief History of AMP Uganda
We developed an AMP for Uganda in 2014, as an official online database of aid-funded projects and programs. It also acts as a centralized data access point and virtual workspace for the government to manage its resources.
We’ve grown and maintained our partnership with the Government of Uganda since the AMP was launched.
Taking the next step to integrate AMP with Uganda’s PBS
In 2020, we launched the integration of AMP with Uganda’s PBS – representing one of AMP’s first full integrations with an existing country system.
AMP now holds over 1,300 on-budget projects directly from the PBS. We worked directly with the Government of Uganda to fit its needs, while ensuring transparency along the way.
For users in Uganda, the integration prevents duplication of effort and time lost to manual data work. Before the integration, the PBS team spent time and effort collecting budget and disbursement information for hundreds of projects in AMP, then manually inputting it into PBS. It also eases the process of determining how much money has been allocated to different sectors, and enables budget visualization of annual and quarterly data.
Government training & system sustainability
In addition to training government staff and creating a data management plan to use the integration, DG has trained both focal points in the Aid Liaison Department and an estimated 18 development partners on how to use the newly-integrated system.
Lessons in creating integrations between AMP and country systems
While DG has been working on AMPs around the world for 15 years, each implementation comes with its own puzzles and challenges that encourage growth and innovation across the platform as a whole. Integrating AMP and country systems involves navigating different data sharing policies, incentives, mapping needs, and formatting.
Through this integration, DG confirmed that success comes from a high-quality, uniform platform that is useful for all country partners but is also flexible and robust enough to meet varying partner requirements without comprising the existing system user base.
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