Delivering Data Where it Counts
Municipal, state, and regional level governments account for almost 40% of worldwide public spending, and are largely responsible for achieving the “leave no one behind” mandate of the SDGs. In addition, by 2030, 90% of jobs will require some level of data skills in order to access the opportunities of the global digital economy. DG in partnership with The Data Collaboratives for Local Impact (DCLI) program has been gathering case studies to document drivers and the value of subnational data programming. Based on these case studies and DCLI learnings, an initial set of principles for subnational data use has been developed. These principles – and the collection of case studies – are a living document

Delivering Data Where it Counts: Principles for Subnational Data Use (EN)
Delivering Data Where it Counts: Principles for Subnational Data Use (EN)

Apporter les données là où ça compte (FR)
Apporter les données là où ça compte (FR)