Results Data Initiative Findings: Phase I
Governments, development partners, and implementers spend millions of dollars every year collecting data on results. The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda calls for more results indicators and larger investments in data.
At this inflection point, we examine a critical question: how do we make these investments most effective?
Development Gateway (DG), with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, studyed how results data is collected, shared, and used in three countries: Ghana, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka, across the health and agriculture sectors.

Results Data Initiative: Policy Brief
This brief outlines perspectives on the present state of development results data from nearly 500 interviews with local practitioners in three countries: Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania.

Results Data Initiative Findings: Ghana
This report synthesizes the Results Data Initiative findings from Ghana

Results Data Initiative Findings: Tanzania
This report synthesizes the Results Data Initiative findings from Tanzania

Results Data Initiatives Findings: Sri Lanka
This report synthesizes the Results Data Initiative findings from Sri Lanka.