West Africa Open Contracting Assessment Project
In 2016-2017, DG and the Open Contracting Partnership spent several months studying open contracting readiness across West Africa. Working with the support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK), we have published a series of open contracting scoping studies that provide comprehensive overviews of our findings.
Country reports aimed at assessing open contracting readiness:

Open Contracting West Africa: Nigeria Report
Open Contracting West Africa: Nigeria Report

Open Contracting West Africa: Ghana Report
Open Contracting West Africa: Ghana Report

Open Contracting West Africa: Senegal Report
Open Contracting West Africa: Senegal Report

Open Contracting West Africa: Liberia
Open Contracting West Africa: Liberia

Open Contracting West Africa: Guinea
Open Contracting West Africa: Guinea
Below is the Synthesis Report highlighting practical steps for encouraging open contracting implementation in these 5 countries and in Côte d’Ivoire, and an analysis of the view of the public markets in the 5 assessment countries from British and international businesses interests, conducted by IBLF Global.

West Africa Open Contracting: Synthesis
West Africa Open Contracting: Synthesis

Open Contracting West Africa: British Interests
Open Contracting West Africa: British Interests