Josh Powell
Team Member

Josh Powell

Chief Executive Officer United States
Connect with Josh

Josh Powell is the Chief Executive Officer at Development Gateway: an IREX Venture (DG), overseeing DG’s management team and coordinating strategy and overall organizational performance. Over the past decade, Josh has demonstrated experience and a reputation for excellence in working at all aspects of leadership in data for development, at both programmatic and organizational levels. Through his work on various international multi-stakeholder initiatives and in more than a dozen countries globally, Josh has expertise in bridging the gap between global norms, practices, and standards and country needs, systems, and institutions.

Josh has previously coordinated DG’s Results Data Initiative (RDI), an innovative multi-year program, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, that has pushed the boundaries of data use programming, supporting the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Global Affairs Canada, and the governments of Ghana, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Malawi. Josh led an assessment of DFID’s internal data processes and systems, resulting in the publication of DFID’s Decision-Making and Data Use Landscaping report.

Over the past decade, Josh has managed programs and supported teams in more than a dozen countries. He led DG’s digital development innovations for the USAID Higher Education Solutions Network, under the AidData Center for Development Policy consortium; and oversaw a major re-architecture and implementation of DG’s Aid Management Program — the best-in-class, country-owned aid information management system deployed in 25+ countries worldwide. Josh also helped lead the design of DG’s Agile software development methodology, an adaptation of the SCRUM approach.

Josh chairs the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data’s (GPSDD’s) Technical Advisory Group (TAG). He sits on the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC’s) Advisory Council, and he serves on the OpenGov Hub Management Team. He previously sat on the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Members’ Assembly and TAG.

Josh holds a MS in Public Policy from Brigham Young University and a BS in Finance from the University of Baltimore.

Recent Posts

Read more from Josh
Technology for a Stronger Democracy? Key Insights from the Third Summit for Democracy

During the recent Summit for Democracy in Seoul, South Korea, DG led a session exploring how national commitments to developing technology can strengthen democracy and combat corruption. From that conversation, we identified three insights on how to advance this essential work.

May 7, 2024  
Advancing Digital Public Infrastructure: Emerging Practices for Creating Sustainable, Inclusive Systems at Scale

From DG’s more than 20 years of experience in creating, delivering, and adapting open source and open data solutions, we’ve learned several best practices on how to make technology accessible and sustainable while prioritizing engagement from open source communities—these practices can be applied to building and implementing DPIs. In this blog, we’ll explore what DPI is, DG’s approach to DPI, and three best practices that can be used to ensure DPIs are effective and advance inclusion.

February 20, 2024  
Developing Data Systems: Five Issues IREX and DG Explored at Festival de Datos

IREX and Development Gateway: An IREX Venture participated in Festival de Datos from November 7-9, 2023. In this blog, Philip Davidovich, Annie Kilroy, Josh Powell, and Tom Orrell explore five key issues discussed at Festival de Datos on advancing data systems and how IREX and DG are meeting these challenges.

January 17, 2024 Data Management Systems and MEL