Photo Credit: Taryn Davis Bangledesh
Our Expertise

Getting Timely and Reliable Data to Users

We provide tools and guidance to help institutions collect and analyze information; strengthen institutional capacity to use data; and explore what incentives, structures, and processes are needed to enable evidence-based decisions.

Beyond Technology

Over 20 years of experience has shown us that technology alone cannot solve the world’s trickiest problems. The enabling environment – incentives, barriers, and needs – is key in determining whether data is actually used, while creating solutions and processes that involve input from real users further closes the data use gap. We bring this expertise to a range of sector-specific tools and research.

Support for Decision-Making

DG has experience in country-led data programs globally and a deep understanding of the issues facing national and regional stakeholders responsible for designing and implementing policies.

Iterative, Co-Designed Processes

Rather than narrow technical assessments, we create in-depth partnerships to build co-designed tools. Through the process, we focus on understanding the decision-making needs of stakeholders, adapting to feedback, and securing buy-in from the outset of each program. These components are integrated and mutually supportive, to ensure sustainable solutions.

The Right Data, at the Right Time, in the Right Place

Data is only useful if relevant, timely, and accurate. We work to identify and solve gaps in available data, find ways to make existing data systems work together, and to ensure data is properly governed and protected – with the end goal of providing users with data they can easily use to make or influence decisions.

Building Tools that Put Data to Work

DG creates tools that collect, analyze, and visualize information, so that stakeholders can easily understand and use data to inform decision-making.

Photo Credit: Paige Kirby Mexico

We focus on improving the supply of agriculture data; building user-friendly tools; and supporting governments and the private sector in using data to meet strategic priorities.

Aid Management
Aid Management

Our flagship Aid Management Program (AMP) helps governments and development partners gather, access, and monitor information on development activities and funding, with the goal of increasing aid effectiveness.

Data Strategy & Policy
Data Strategy & Policy

Using lessons learned from our implementations, we advocate for data policy at the local to global levels, in support of active, secure use of data to benefit all.


In order to strengthen education systems, DG provides technical input and targeted field assistance to enhance data utility and interoperability for policymakers, administrators, and researchers.


DG aims to make data on extractive industries transparent and compelling, to empower government and civil society to improve accountability and build community impact.


We help improve how health data is accessed and understood, to drive better healthcare delivery and policy.

Information Management Systems
Information Management Systems

For 20 years, we have been creating user-focused data management systems that make information accessible and useful, to improve transparency and amplify evidence-based decision-making.

Open Contracting & Procurement
Open Contracting & Procurement

We support fiscal transparency and public procurement with data assessments and use our custom-built suite of open source tools for open contracting analytics. We drive corruption risk monitoring, nationally and subnationally.