Understanding Stakeholder Needs: Extractives Industry Data Portal Assessment in West Africa
Starting in June 2018, in partnership with Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), DG assessed the extractive industry (EI) data landscape in Senegal, Nigeria, and Guinea. The goal was to determine the feasibility of designing and implementing an Extractives Industry Data Portal (EIDP) for each country, the initial objective of which would be to reduce reporting delays in Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) annual reports. These delays could be up to two years for some countries.
This assessment followed initial work developing a website and portal for the Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) International Secretariat. It included an in-depth study of each country’s legal and institutional frameworks, readiness to open up EI data; an analysis of activities of actors in the sector and their willingness to promote open data use, and a review of human and technical capacities for sustainable implementation. The assessment methodology included desk research to understand the specific country context, followed by one-on-one interviews with stakeholders in the government, private sector, and community service organizations.
One major finding is that countries are at the stage now where collecting data on the EI financial flows is no longer enough. The stakeholders, and especially the non-state actors, want information that will help them advocate for protecting the environment of the neighboring communities, make sure that the kids have proper educational services, and that the communities have access to health facilities. These assessments changed our perception of the need for national portals. At first, we envisioned a simple data collection tool, but now we understand that these tools need to be more advanced. They need to be able to measure the impact on communities well being in general, highlighting the obstacles, challenges, priorities, and the areas that could be improved.
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