Creating Data Ecosystems for Better Decisions
We partner with development actors to prioritize smart investments in data and information systems; to incentivize and empower data users; and to strengthen the impact of data in decision-making. To this work, DG brings a unique combination of expertise in conducting rapid assessments and developing digital transformation strategies; leading agile design and implementation efforts; and facilitating learning and knowledge-sharing.
Connecting the Dots
Our approach to leveraging opportunities to further digital and data use is grounded in understanding our partners’ decision space: national priorities, legal frameworks, and political economies; institutional policies, goals, and mandates; and individual operations tasks, incentives, and authority over financial and human resources.
From Silos to Systems
Addressing cross-cutting challenges; prioritizing investments in data and information systems, incentivizing data users, and assessing the impact of data on decision-makers.
Process Analysis and Design
DG’s data landscape analysis is centered on understanding key decision-making processes, mapping information systems and data flows throughout the agencies like UK’s DFID, Global Affairs Canada, and the Millennium Challenge Corps. This initial analysis feeds into data governance and data strategy models that balance ethics and practicality and are fit for each organization’s needs.
Structuring Approaches to Change
DG’s digital development is accompanied by guidance and coaching aimed at change management. We meet partners where they are in order to design new protocols and training that can be sustained. DG provides both rigorous technical and non-technical training, and data management plans for institutional partners to fully own new data processes.
Tool Design, Technology Advisory, and Technology Coaching
Beyond developing digital tools, we use our expertise in data use in tool design to transfer knowledge through coaching and mentorship. Through regular check-ins, online task management, and live code samples, DG works with individuals and teams to build standards that lead to faster, more efficient implementation while contributing to local sustainability.

Case Studies

Open Contracting Support & Training in Bandung, Indonesia
Instead of our typical work as a technology builder or implementer, it was that of mentor. DG provided training and coaching to a municipal government development team in Bandung, Indonesia to implement Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) data mapping.

UNICEF Countdown to 2030
UNICEF is a key partner in the Countdown to 2030 (CD2030) initiative, a global movement that aims to accelerate achieving the SDGs for ending preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths. For the initiative, DG built high-quality, individual country profiles for 127 countries, and accompanying interactive data dashboards.
What We Do: Research
Our research provides context and background needed to lay the groundwork for successful projects or to identify where an investment in data could have the greatest impact.
What We Do: Build
We build digital tools that increase transparency and accountability by helping governments and institutions to use data more effectively.