Publications focused on Strategic Advisory Services

Tracking Climate Finance in Africa: Political and Technical Insights on Building Sustainable Digital Public Goods
In order to combat the effects of climate change, financing is needed to fund effective climate fighting strategies. Our white paper explores the importance of climate finance tracking, common barriers to establishing climate finance tracking systems, and five insights on developing climate finance tracking systems.

Managing for Feminist Results: Measuring Canada’s Feminist International Assistance
In 2017, Canada rolled out the world's first Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP). Through the Results Data Initiative (RDI), we worked with Global Affairs Canada - International Assistance (GAC-IA) to develop its FIAP M&E work plan, design a comprehensive FIAP M&E system to fit within its existing frameworks, and calculate pre-FIAP baseline values for all 26 indicators identified. This paper outlines the challenges and opportunities that development agencies may face when adopting new and/or feminist policies, and provides an overview of how other development agencies can integrate a feminist lens into their M&E frameworks.

UNICEF Data for Children Landscape Diagnostics
Since 2017, DG has worked across seven countries and two regions to support the roll-out of UNICEF’s Data for Children Strategic Framework. This included developing country ecosystem diagnostics and strategic action plans for UNICEF Country Offices in Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, Lesotho, and Ethiopia; and for the UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office.