Digital Agricultural Ecosystem in Mali | Ecosystème Numérique Agricole au Mali
Development Gateway: an IREX Venture (DG) and Athena Infonomics conducted an assessment of the digital agricultural ecosystem in Mali between September 2021 and January 2022. The assessment was conducted using DG’s Custom Assessment Landscape Methodology (CALM), which uses a combination of desktop research and mixed data collection methods, including key informant interviews, surveys, and data analysis to understand the context, collect user needs, and identify the links – or missing links – between key stakeholders in a specific sector.

So You’ve Got Gender Data, Now What Will You Do With It?
This policy paper, in English and French, explores the role of gender data and women in the extractives industry (EI). Its goal is to delve into how gender data can be used to improve inclusion, engagement, and support for women in the extractive industries (EI). Funded by the Ford Foundation, this paper is the first in a two-part Policy Paper series that builds on Development Gateway's work in the extractive industry data management. The paper includes lessons learned, gender data findings, and recommendations through our work with Women in Mining Guinea.

Final Report: Women in Mining Guinea Pilot Index
Final reports following DG's assessment and pilot index for Women in Mining Guinea. The index was designed to capture the real obstacles hindering women's involvement and empowerment in the mining sector. The goal is to provide stakeholders with the evidence needed to implement sustainable, gender-inclusive solutions, and to serve as an M&E tool to annually assess the progress made towards improving women’s living conditions in the industrial and artisanal mining industry.

Extractives Industry Data Portal Assessments – Senegal, Nigeria & Guinea
Starting in June 2018, in partnership with Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), DG assessed the extractive data landscape in Senegal, Nigeria and Guinea to determine the feasibility of developing an Extractives Industry Data Portal (EIDP) for each country. These reports in French and English detail the findings and recommendations.

Delivering Data Where it Counts
Based on case studies that document drivers and the value of subnational data programming, DG and DCLI have developed a set of principles for subnational data use. These principles – and the collection of case studies – are a living document

International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Implementation Reports
In partnership with Development Initiatives (DI), DG supported UNICEF’s goal of helping their Country Offices use data published to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) for reporting to government Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS).