UNICEF Data for Children Landscape Diagnostics
Since 2017, DG has worked across seven countries and two regions to support the roll-out of UNICEF’s Data for Children Strategic Framework. This included developing country ecosystem diagnostics and strategic action plans for UNICEF Country Offices in Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, Lesotho, and Ethiopia; and for the UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office.

International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Implementation Reports
In partnership with Development Initiatives (DI), DG supported UNICEF’s goal of helping their Country Offices use data published to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) for reporting to government Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS).

West Africa Open Contracting Assessment Project
In 2016-2017, DG and the Open Contracting Partnership spent several months studying open contracting readiness across West Africa. With the support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK), we have published a series of open contracting scoping studies that provide comprehensive overviews of our findings.

Results Data Initiative Findings: Phase I
Governments, development partners, and implementers spend millions of dollars every year collecting data on results. How do we make these investments most effective? Studied how results data is collected, shared, and used in three countries: Ghana, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka, across the health and agriculture sectors.