Posts focused on Health

Raising Awareness on World No Tobacco Day 2024: DaYTA/TCDI’s Work on Tobacco Industry Interference

As tobacco companies have aggressively deployed creative strategies to market retail nicotine and tobacco products at children and adolescents, it is imperative that tobacco control stakeholders have access to timely and high-quality data to inform robust policies, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms.

May 31, 2024 Global Data Policy, Health
Data Use, Program
Équilibrer les besoins : Trois idées pour construire une approche de co-conception dans plusieurs pays

En réfléchissant à la première année du programme DaYTA de DG, nous avons identifié trois idées sur la meilleure façon de co-concevoir avec des parties prenantes représentant plusieurs pays.

February 29, 2024 Health
Balancing Needs: Three Insights in Building a Co-Design Approach Across Multiple Countries

In reflecting on DG’s first year of the DaYTA program, we’ve identified three insights on how best to co-design with stakeholders representing multiple countries.

February 29, 2024 Health
Announcing TCDI 2.0: In Partnership with the Center for the Study of the Economies of Africa

DG is excited to announce that not only is our Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) continuing for another four years but we have selected the Center for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) to be our sustainability partner throughout the second phase of TCDI!

February 27, 2024 Health
DG’s Tobacco Control Data Initiative: Reflecting on the First Four Years (Part 1)

As we reach the end of the first four years of TCDI, we reflect on what we’ve accomplished and take stock of lessons we learned while sharing tobacco control data with officials who are monitoring and passing tobacco control legislation in Africa while working in civil society, academia, and government.

February 6, 2024 Health
New Research Reveals Reasons for Shisha Smoking in Nigeria

As we reach the end of the first four years of TCDI, we reflect on what we’ve accomplished and take stock of lessons we learned while sharing tobacco control data with officials who are monitoring and passing tobacco control legislation in Africa while working in civil society, academia, and government.

February 2, 2024 Health
Advancing Tobacco Control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) Website

In response to the impending threat of tobacco use in DRC and the various dangers that accompany it, the Tobacco Control Data Initiative website creates a “one-stop shop” to access the relevant data that the DRC's policymakers need to advance tobacco control legislation.

May 30, 2023 Health
Launch, Program
Faire progresser la lutte antitabac en République Démocratique du Congo : Site web de l’initiative de données sur la lutte antitabac (TCDI)

En partenariat avec le Ministère de la Santé de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Programme National de Lutte Contre la Toxicomanie et les Substances Toxiques (PNLCT), Development Gateway : An IREX Venture (DG) a lancé le tableau de bord de la Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) à Kinshasa, RDC, le 29 mai 2023. 

May 30, 2023 Health
En Français, Launch, Program
Three Lessons on Building Trust in Public Health Data

Accessible and timely public health data has the power to shape policy and significantly improve population health outcomes. But effective public health policy needs to be built on a foundation of trust in order for policies and individual health behaviors to change. In DG's TCDI program, we've learned three lessons on how to build trust in public health data.

May 11, 2023 Health
Program, Thought Leadership
Advancing Tobacco Control in Kenya: The Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) Website

In response to the impending threat of tobacco use in Kenya and the various dangers that accompany it, the Tobacco Control Data Initiative website created a “one-stop shop” to access the relevant data that Kenya's policymakers need to advance tobacco control legislation.

April 18, 2023 Health
Launch, Program