Posts focused on Process & Tools

Enhancing Livestock Traceability in Ethiopia with Mobile Tech

Stakeholder, Where Art Thou?: Three Insights on Using Governance Structures to Foster Stakeholder Engagement
Through our Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) program and its sister program Data on Youth and Tobacco in Africa (DaYTA), we have learned that creating governance structures, such as advisory boards or steering committees, is one approach to ensuring that digital solutions appropriately meet stakeholders’ needs and foster future stakeholder engagement. In this blog, we explore three insights on how governance structures can advance buy-in with individual stakeholders while connecting them to one another.

Custom Assessment Landscape Methodology 2.0 – Reflections After Five Years
Our new white paper re-introduces our flagship methodology, Custom Assessment Landscape Methodology (CALM), to help our partners, collaborators, and teammates better engage with a flexible and adaptive assessment methodology.

DG’s Open Contracting Portal Designated as a Digital Public Good
Digital Public Goods Alliance designated DG’s Open Contracting Portal as a digital public good in September 2022. The Portal provides procurement analytics that can be used to improve procurement efficiency and, in turn, reduce corruption and increase impact.

Exploring Digital Transformation & Emerging Technology
Our final episode of "Data… for What!?" about our strategic plan Josh Powell speaks with Fernando Ferrayra and Annie Kilroy about digital transformation, ways to center the user, and our approach to emerging technologies.

Digging Deeper in Agriculture
In this episode of "Data... for What?!" Josh talks to Charlene Migwe-Kagume about how we are approaching agriculture in our new strategy. DG has worked in Agriculture for a number of years, but how are we building on past experiences and our strengths to take this work forward? Josh and Charlene discuss digging deeper in agriculture and how innovation plays a role.

Announcing: Development Gateway’s New Strategic Plan
Building on 20+ years of experience, Development Gateway announces its FY23-25 Strategic Plan. DG will expand its role as a global leader in both data and digital for development, working toward a digital development agenda that builds trust between institutions and the constituents they serve. This strategy lays the foundation for how we will achieve that vision.

How IREX and DG’s Data Ecosystem Assessment Tools Advance Local Priorities
IREX’s Data Compass and Development Gateway’s CALM are methodologies for assessing data ecosystems. While each methodology produces different outputs based on different needs, both prioritize local collaboration and development to produce insights and outputs that reflect local priorities and actionable recommendations that institutions can own and implement.

Five Tips for Successful Co-Design
As co-designing gains traction in the international development sector, Deputy Director of Programs Andrea Ulrich outlines five ways in which DG has found success co-designing projects with stakeholders.

AD3: Co-design Workshop of the Multi-disciplinary Working Group Dashboard | AD3: Atelier de co-conception du tableau de bord du Groupe de Travail Pluridisciplinaire
Last month, in partnership with the National Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority (ANACIM), DG held a co-design workshop to better understand the visualization needs around agro-climatic data. We worked with ANACIM’s Multi-disciplinary Working Group (GTP), to reflect on the content and design of AD3’s interactive platform, and decided how best to present each indicator to facilitate decision-making.