Posts by Josh Powell
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AMP Re-Engineering: A Tale of Two Maps
In 2005, the international community came together to adopt the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, built upon the idea that “aid could – and should – be producing better impacts.” Improving effectiveness means aligning development assistance with the needs and priorities of the partner country government, as well as coordinating activities among partners to avoid

AidData 3.0: Engine for Growth
In 2003, an undergraduate student at the College of William and Mary set out to write his honors thesis on the efforts of international development organizations to help communities adapt to and mitigate the effects of global climate change. His research quickly hit a roadblock: existing public data on foreign aid flows was not precise

Tools and Approaches for Avoiding Data Graveyards
Every day, government, civil society, and development agency officials make decisions about where to implement new projects, or how to allocate resources. But how do these individuals make these decisions – what data do they use (or need), and are existing data fit-for-purpose? This Monday, we are looking forward to co-hosting a DC launch event

Using PDIA to Put Data Into Action
We recently wrote about how the data for development community needs to take a more context aware, demand-driven approach to data. Applying theories of change...

Innovating for the Data Revolution
The next “big idea” in technology and data for development will not happen in a vacuum. At Development Gateway, we seek to innovate by working closely with our partners and clients, to solve their most important problems....

USAID and PEOTUS: What Comes Next?
This Friday, DC will shut down for its quadrennial pomp, circumstance, and presidential transition. While we have seen a flurry of activity on the nomination, vetting, and policy fronts, we know little about PEOTUS’s development philosophy...

Three Reasons Why 2017 will be a Big Year for Evidence-Based Development
Last week, the Governance Data Alliance launched a new report (led by our friends at AidData) on the use of governance data, drawing on 500+ survey respondents from development policy actors in 126 countries (in government, development agencies, and civil society)...

Putting OCDS to Work at IODC16 Madrid
At last year’s IODC in Ottawa, the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) was still fairly knew and a lot of us were talking about the possibilities of actually implementing it. What a difference a year makes, as the Open Contracting pre-event for IODC includes approximately 15 national and local governments working toward open contracting programs....

Philippines Launch Open GIS Portal
Today, the Philippine National Economic and Development Agency (NEDA) launched its new GIS portal for development assistance and public investment projects. This portal represents an important step in continuing the Government’s commitment to fiscal transparency, with all data available for download in open formats....

Use of IATI in Country Systems: Final Report
This post debuts the final report from DG's program on the Use of IATI in Country Systems...