Posts by Vanessa Goas
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Development Gateway launches the Open Aid Geocoder
Development Gateway is proud to announce the launch of the Open Aid Geocoder, a new open-source geocoding tool developed...

A Roadmap for AMP Sustainability
Working toward a self-sustainable Aid Management Program is among the highest priorities of Development Gateway. We believe that an AMP has the best chance of longevity when the government has the skills it needs, the resources it requires, and commitment from decision-makers. However, empowering a partner country to manage a program and maintain technology doesn’t happen overnight.

Geocoding 101: A Behind the Scenes Look at Visualizing Aid and Development
I often get asked how AidData takes vast stores of development finance information and translates them into something that can be easily understood by the public. Last week, we published our geocoded data on aid flows to Nepal via the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) registry. Now anyone can easily download the data from our IATI publisher page or to understand who is funding what and where.