Posts by Vinisha Bhatia-Murdach

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Aligning Technical Solutions with Institutional Constraints: Lessons from Tanzania

In the Results Data Initiative (RDI)’s first cross-ministry co-design workshop, we explored opportunities for greater data-driven decision-making in Tanzania’s health sector. Ultimately, colleagues from the Government of Tanzania — representing the President’s Office of Regional Administration and Local Government, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Planning, and the National Bureau of Statistics — identified

August 21, 2017
Results Data
Using PDIA to Put Data Into Action

We recently wrote about how the data for development community needs to take a more context aware, demand-driven approach to data. Applying theories of change...

March 27, 2017
Results Data
How Can We Incentivize Actual Use of M&E Results Data?

Today, Development Gateway will be at MERL Tech leading a discussion group on the following question: “How can we incentivize actual use of results data?” We invite you to join us for a candid discussion around demand for results data and incentives to use the data....

October 3, 2016
Results Data
Lessons about Results Data from Tanzania

We are pleased to debut our Results Data Initiative: Findings from Tanzania summary report...

August 11, 2016
Results Data
RDI Consultation Readout

On September 23, Development Gateway hosted a consultation meeting for the Results Data Initiative (RDI)....

October 15, 2015
News/Events, Results Data