Posts by Vinisha Bhatia-Murdach
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Aligning Technical Solutions with Institutional Constraints: Lessons from Tanzania
In the Results Data Initiative (RDI)’s first cross-ministry co-design workshop, we explored opportunities for greater data-driven decision-making in Tanzania’s health sector. Ultimately, colleagues from the Government of Tanzania — representing the President’s Office of Regional Administration and Local Government, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Planning, and the National Bureau of Statistics — identified
Using PDIA to Put Data Into Action
We recently wrote about how the data for development community needs to take a more context aware, demand-driven approach to data. Applying theories of change...
How Can We Incentivize Actual Use of M&E Results Data?
Today, Development Gateway will be at MERL Tech leading a discussion group on the following question: “How can we incentivize actual use of results data?” We invite you to join us for a candid discussion around demand for results data and incentives to use the data....
Lessons about Results Data from Tanzania
We are pleased to debut our Results Data Initiative: Findings from Tanzania summary report...
RDI Consultation Readout
On September 23, Development Gateway hosted a consultation meeting for the Results Data Initiative (RDI)....