Posts categorized Launch
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Advancing Food Security in 18 African Countries: Launching the New Website

Launching: Digital Advisory Support Services for Accelerated Rural Transformation (DAS)
The Digital Advisory Support Services for Accelerated Rural Transformation (DAS) Program launched in March 2022 and will go through March 2025. Development Gateway: an IREX Venture (DG) will implement the grant in partnership with Jengalab and TechChange to advance Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) in the agricultural sector across Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

DG at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)
Representatives from Development Gateway: an IREX Venture (DG) will be attending the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) from September 5-9 in Kigali, Rwanda to highlight two projects: the Visualizing Insights on African Agriculture (VIFAA) project and the Farmer-Centric Data Governance Models project.

New Crisis Monitoring Tool Provides Insight into Sub-Saharan Africa’s Fertilizer Sector
In an effort to minimize the effects of an imminent food crisis in Africa, Development Gateway and partners, Fertilizer Development Center and, updated the Africa Fertilizer Watch Dashboard. The Dashboard tracks regional and country-specific impacts from elevated global fertilizer prices, limited supplier inventory, and decreased affordability at the farmer level, which includes data from ten countries in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Filling Tobacco Control Data Gaps in Nigeria
Development Gateway’s Aminata Camara Badji and Seember Ali discuss the Nigeria’s Tobacco Control Data Initiative Dashboard, which launched June 28, 2022.
The TCDI Nigeria Dashboard Launched by Nigeria’s Minister of State for Health
On June 28, 2022, the Tobacco Control Data Initiative (#TCDI) Nigeria Dashboard was launched by Nigeria’s Honorable Minister of State for Health Dr. Adeleke Olorunnimbe Mamora. Since 2019, Development Gateway has collaborated with University of Cape Town’s Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) to address barriers to data use in tobacco control by consolidating available and trusted tobacco control data, identifying and filling data gaps, and creating an online resource for policymakers to access the relevant data needed to pass and monitor tobacco control legislation. These findings have come together through TCDI, which is supported in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and implemented in South Africa in addition to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia.

Advancing Tobacco Control in Nigeria: The TCDI Website
In June 2022, Development Gateway launched the Nigeria - Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) Dashboard. The TCDI website creates a “one-stop-shop” to access the relevant data that Nigeria’s policymakers need to advance tobacco control legislation and was created in response to the impending threat of increased tobacco use in Nigeria and the various dangers that accompany it.

Women in Mining as Actors of Sustainable Development
Launched last week in Conakry, the Women in Mining initiative builds on our existing work in the mining industry in Guinea. With partners, DG will assess the involvement of women in disbursement of local economic development funds in the Boke region and develop a digital tool to visualize the findings.

Les femmes des zones minières, actrices du développement durable
Lancée la semaine dernière à Conakry, l’initiative “Women in Mining” s’appuie sur notre travail existant dans l’industrie minière en Guinée. Avec ses partenaires, DG évaluera l’implication des femmes dans le décaissement des fonds de développement économique local dans la région de Boke et développera un outil numérique pour visualiser les résultats.

Launching Today: Dashboard to Support Seed System Development in Africa
Since 2019, Development Gateway, The African Seed Access Index (TASAI), and Cornell University have been developing a new dashboard to support policy reform by government, investment priorities by development partners, and strategy by private companies working in Africa’s formal seed sector. The new, interactive digital tool will visualize and use data to support a fully functional formal seed system.