Posts categorized Aid Effectiveness & Management

Page 14
Fourth AMP Best Practices Workshop Held In Dakar

The 4th Aid Management Platform (AMP) Best Practices Workshop was held from Jan. 24-26 in Dakar, Senegal. More than 90 people attended from nineteen AMP countries and several observer countries (you can view photos on our new Flickr photostream).

February 1, 2012
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Dispatch from Busan

From Nov. 29-Dec. 1, the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness was held in Busan, South Korea. In an interview with the Inter Press Service, Development Gateway CEO Jean-Louis Sarbib hailed the inclusiveness of the forum, with traditional donors acknowledging the broad range of actors now involved in development. The importance of South-South cooperation, he

December 2, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
African Development Bank and AidData map development projects: Increasing aid transparency for greater development impact’

PRESS RELEASE Lisbon and Washington, DC—June 9, 2011— At its Annual Meetings, being held from June 9-10 in Lisbon, the African Development Bank Group unveiled an interactive map showing the precise locations of its ongoing operations in Cameroon, Morocco, and Tanzania ( These countries represent a subset of the 2,040 activities financed across the continent since 2009. The map is the result of a partnership between the African Development Bank (AfDB) and AidData ( to geocode AfDB projects, which range from building primary schools, health…

June 9, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
Aid information management in Mozambique: A success story’

Development Gateway has worked with Mozambique since 2008 to update and expand its aid information management system, known as ODAmoz. ODAmoz was created in 2005 as a way to coordinate and harmonize donor activities in Mozambique. The system allows each of Mozambique’s donor focal points to enter data directly into the ODAmoz system, significantly reducing transaction costs for the government in terms of collecting aid information from donors. Once a project is entered into ODAmoz, the information is published on the ODAmoz site, so that…

April 19, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
AidData, CCAPS, and Government of Malawi to geocode aid information at the country level

AidData and the Climate Change and African Political Stability Program (CCAPS) at the University of Texas are working with Malawi's Ministry of Finance to geocode aid activity information. Geocoding, through which information is pinpointed to a precise geographic locality, provides a visual aid for development planning and coordination, allowing governments and their donor partners to better assess current aid distribution and plan future projects.

April 12, 2011 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management
AidData to make trillions of dollars in development assistance compatible with IATI standard

By early May, users of the AidData database will be able to run queries on aid activities by donor, sector, and country, as before—but with a new twist. The results will be exportable in the new international aid reporting standard recently finalized by the International Aid Transparency Initiative, which aims to make aid information more open and accessible.

April 5, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Government of Southern Sudan teams up with Development Gateway to improve aid information management

The Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) recently chose to implement Development Gateway’s Aid Management Program, with financing from UNDP. Through a combination of technical support and institutional strengthening activities, the Aid Management Program helps governments build capacity for managing information on development finance.

March 31, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Report from 2010 AMP Best Practices Workshop

In December 2010, Development Gateway hosted the third annual AMP Best Practices Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. The workshop brings together delegates from governments that have implemented or are interested in implementing the Aid Management Program to discuss their experiences and lessons learned in managing the program.

March 17, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
AMP Knowledge Sharing Workshop, Nairobi 2010

Bindu Venugopal, a Senior Technical Associate with Development Gateway who manages product development of the Aid Management Platform, shares her experience at the recent Knowledge Sharing Workshop: In early December, I traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, to attend Development Gateway’s annual Knowledge Sharing Workshop for countries implementing the Aid Management Platform (AMP). The workshop is an opportunity for AMP countries to get together once a year to learn from each other and share best practices. This year 14 countries sent delegations to the event. The workshop,…

February 19, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Milestone in Aid Transparency: IATI Finalizes Aid Reporting Standard’

Projects funded by development aid are complicated undertakings - they take many forms, financing different activities in different currencies over different periods of time. In order for development actors to use aid information for development planning, coordination, and monitoring, project-level data must be recorded in a standard, commonly-accepted language. For the past two years, the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) has partnered with donor and recipient governments, multilateral aid agencies, private organizations, and NGOs to develop, elaborate, and test a common aid language. At their meeting…

February 15, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management