Posts categorized Aid Effectiveness & Management

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Governments Share Successes and Lessons Learned at the Third Annual Aid Management Program Knowledge Sharing Workshop

From Dec. 14-16, 2010, Development Gateway held the Third Annual Aid Management Platform (AMP) Knowledge Sharing Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. AMP is a web-based software that builds capacity for aid information management, enabling countries to more easily and accurately gather, record, and report data on foreign aid flows.

January 31, 2011 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Aid information management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) produced a short video describing its experiences using Development Gateway’s Aid Management Platform (AMP) (video in French, with English subtitles). AMP is a web-based software that builds capacity for aid information management, enabling host countries to more efficiently collect, report, and monitor data on foreign aid flows. In 2001, the DRC emerged from a devastating period of armed conflict, and has slowly recovered with the help of macroeconomic reforms and foreign aid flows.  According to…

January 30, 2011
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Making aid information transparent in Kosovo

Kosovo Although it is the youngest country to have implemented the Aid Management Platform (AMP), Kosovo became a model for aid transparency by making its AMP available to the public online. Vanessa Goas, part of the Development Gateway team working on AMP Kosovo, shares a summary of her time in Pristina: Since fall 2009, Development Gateway has been working closely with the government and other stakeholders in Kosovo to establish the first comprehensive process and system for tracking aid information in this newly independent country.…

November 19, 2010
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Government of Kosovo and European Commission Launch Aid Management Platform to Support Transparency and Donor Coordination

PRISTINA, Oct. 21, 2010 – At an international donors’ conference in 2008, more than 50 countries and international organizations pledged support to Kosovo’s socio-economic development. On Oct. 11, 2010, the Government of Kosovo and the European Commission Liaison Office to Kosovo (ECLO) launched the Aid Management Platform (AMP) at a public event in Pristina as part of a new program to support aid transparency and donor coordination. As a result, the government, its partners, and the public are now able to access information—including maps and…

October 26, 2010
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Improving Aid Transparency Through Geocoding: AidData Maps Development Activities’

Achieving global development objectives depends on involving stakeholders in aid-funded work, strengthening accountability of donor agencies and partner governments, and building country ownership. Yet sometimes even basic information such as the location of an aid project is difficult to find. Information on project locations is critical for determining whether aid is reaching areas of greatest need, as well as for avoiding duplication of effort within a country.

October 1, 2010
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
Strengthening Aid Management in Lao PDR

Laos For many at Development Gateway, the most engaging and rewarding aspect of our work is the time we spend in-country working with our partners and counterparts. Here, Travis Harvey reports back on a recent mission to Lao PDR: A team of two DG staff conducted a three-weeks mission to Lao PDR in August 2010 as part of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) implementation process. This is a multi-year program in partnership with the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), with funding and support from…

September 19, 2010
Aid Effectiveness & Management
DG Contributes to UN Online Tool to Monitor Funds for Haiti

Responding to a request from the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, the Development Gateway has partnered with other organizations to build a system to help with Hatian reconstruction. The joint system, which partially adapts Aid Management Platform technology, will track damage reports and donor funding as well as pledges to Haiti. “We see this tool as an important and critical component of Haiti’s reconstruction process,” said UN Resident Coordinator Nigel Fisher on the UN News Centre. In a speech on March 25th, former U.S. President…

July 6, 2010
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Aid transparency tool launched to improve donor coordination in Nicaragua

Development Gateway announced today the successful launch of the upgraded ODAnic and the release of the 2008 EU Blue Book. ODAnic is a publicly available online tool that facilitates donor coordination, aid transparency, and the management of aid information in Nicaragua. In the forward to the EU Blue Book, Martin Johnston, the representative for Central America from the U. K. Department for International Development (DFID) and Mendel Goldstein, the head of the European Commission’s delegation to Central America and Panama, wrote, “As a result [of…

November 25, 2009
Aid Effectiveness & Management
DRC Tackles the Aid Information Challenge

![]( Staff members of the Ministry of Finance for the Democratic Republic of the Congo training to use the Aid Management Platform. By building a strong rapport with users in the ministries, Development Gateway increases the likelihood of program sustainability. Democratic Republic of Congo According to the Human Development Index, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) ranks 177 out of 179 countries-firmly placing it as the third least developed nation in the world. In a country plagued by a civil war that has cost…

September 19, 2009
Aid Effectiveness & Management
E-government Tool Makes Development Aid More Effective

WASHINGTON—The Development Gateway announced today that it will showcase the results of the implementation of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) at the Accra High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to be held from Sept. 2–4, 2008. Results of eight implementations of AMP show that the application can strengthen a country’s ownership and coordination of its aid process by building government capacity, empowering policy-makers, and by promoting regional knowledge sharing. Roughly 200 government staff members in Africa, Europe, and Latin America have completed advanced training in the…

August 19, 2008
Aid Effectiveness & Management