Posts categorized Aid Effectiveness & Management
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Aid information matters for U.S. citizens, too – transparency efforts and domestic audiences
This January, a newly elected U.S. Congress took the stage, bringing up the question of how it will shape U.S. foreign assistance discussions in 2015. The US Global Leadership Coalition’s Liz Schayer has argued that there is a consensus from both sides of the aisle that aid accountability and transparency will continue to be an emphasis moving forward.

Notes from the Field: Geocoding Aid Data in DRC
Development Gateway, through its partnership with AidData, recently concluded the first phase of USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network-funded geocoding work in collaboration with the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ministry of Planning. Outcomes were well received by government officials and key development partners. However, everyone acknowledges this is only the first step towards enhancing GIS capacity throughout government agencies and the donor community.

A Roadmap for AMP Sustainability
Working toward a self-sustainable Aid Management Program is among the highest priorities of Development Gateway. We believe that an AMP has the best chance of longevity when the government has the skills it needs, the resources it requires, and commitment from decision-makers. However, empowering a partner country to manage a program and maintain technology doesn’t happen overnight.

Ensuring Data Works Where it Counts: IATI and Country Systems
Recently, we discussed the International Aid Transparency Initiative’s data publication and quality “tipping point”: per the IATI Secretariat, seven of the top ten development partners (DPs) in most countries are publishing IATI data.

Leveraging Data to Reshape Relationships
In December 2014, Development Gateway hosted the 7th Annual Aid Management Program Good Practices Workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal. This event brought together representatives from over ten countries for discussions, knowledge sharing, and hands-on sessions. Over the next several weeks, we will be releasing posts covering some of these breakout sessions. Be sure to review our Blog and Twitter (#AMPWS2014) for previous posts.

Live from Nepal at #AMPWS2014
'This week, Development Gatewayand the Government of Nepal have been hosting the 7th Annual Aid Management Program Good Practices Workshop. Below are the opening remarks from DG CEO Jean-Louis Sarbib; stay tuned for more blog posts about the workshop, and follow along on Twitter with #AMPWS2014. Excellency Mr. Suman Prasad Sharma, Nepal Finance Secretary; distinguished delegates; dear collegues and partners –'

Meeting the Challenge of Open Data
'Next week is our Annual Aid Management Program (AMP) Good Practices Workshop - and this year’s theme is “Meeting the Challenge of Open Data.” However, the “Data Revolution” is already underway, and many attending countries have already gone public with their Aid Management Platforms - so why this theme, and why now?Here’s why: At Development Gateway, we know that Open Data is about much more than throwing data out into the universe; it’s about using that information once it’s available, and getting back to the why behind data transparency.'

Scaling up South-South Cooperation
As attention shifts to the Sustainable Development Goals, Development Gateway reaffirms our decades-long commitment to facilitating South-South cooperation and urges the United Nations to ensure that post-2015 plans include all voices. Below is an outline of remarks given by Development Gateway CEO Jean-Louis Sarbib at the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation’s Global South-South Development Expo in Washington, DC.

Learning our lessons as we shape the post 2015 Data Revolution
The United Nations IEAG report on mobilizing the Data Revolution for development, opens with this truism:Without high-quality data providing the right information on the right things at the right time; designing, monitoring and evaluating effective policies becomes almost impossible.

Uganda’s Development Information Goes Public
'Last week, the Ugandan Government made public its Development Assistance Management System, which tracks all external development assistance projects in the country. This system is a technical part of the country''s Aid Management Program (AMP).Overseen by the Ugandan Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, Secretary Keith Muhahanizi reaffirmed on Friday that the system:'