Posts categorized Open Data
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How GPE is Enabling Dynamic Visualizations of Open Education Data
Development Gateway is very pleased to announce its successful involvement in the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) first data visualization venture.

Le Burkina Faso rend ses données publiques et lie la PGA à son système de gestion budgétaire
'Development Gateway a rencontré M. Jean-Marie Kebre, Chargé de la coordination de l’aide et point focal de la PGA au sein de la Direction Générale de la Coopération (DGCOOP), au Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances du Burkina Faso. M. Kebre s’est exprimé sur deux grand chantiers actuels de la DGCOOP: l’ouverture de la PGA à tous les acteurs intervenant dans la gestion de l’aide ; et l’interfaçage entre la PGA et le système CIFE (Circuit Intégré des Financements Extérieurs).'

Open China Data is a Disruptive Gateway Drug
On Monday, AidData released the largest Open Data cache of Chinese development finance in Africa. The Chinese Development Finance in Africa database contains nearly 1,700 official finance projects in 50 African countries, totaling over $70 billion in reported financial commitments.

What is Chinese Development Finance in Africa?
Development Gateway is proud to announce AidData's launch of a new interactive database that tracks Chinese development finance flows to Africa from 2000 to 2011.

La République Démocratique du Congo et l’Initiative Internationale pour la Transparence de l’Aide
La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est partie prenante de toutes les initiatives internationales qui participent à la réforme des mécanismes de coordination de l’aide et à l’amélioration de son impact dans les pays bénéficiaires.

Announcing the First Annual AidData Map-Off with USAID
AidData staff is engaging students at the College of William and Mary to put their geocoding and mapping skills to the test accepting USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah’s challenge to “inspire and support the next generation of development leaders,”.

How Can We Make Open Data Meaningful to Citizens?
I am Owen Scott and recently I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend the Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB Canada) National Conference in Calgary. EWB Canada - no affiliation with EWB USA - is a progressive development organization focused on creating transformative change in African markets, public sectors, and civil society through supporting a continuously evolving portfolio of innovative ideas and ventures.

The Aid Management Journey to Transparency and Open Data
The open data and transparency revolution underway in international development is as much about culture change as it is about data, technology, and standards. I am Nancy Choi, Director of Operations, and recently I have been in the midst of these changes.

4 Ways to Bring Sexy Back to the US Government’s Open Data Strategy
The US Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released its Guidance on Collection of U.S. Foreign Assistance Data prompting well-deserved praise from the Center for Global Development in Hooray for Unsexy OMB Data Guidance.

The Open Data Effect: Creating Optimistic Radicals at OKFest’
I am Stephen Davenport, Director of Innovation at Development Gateway, and recently I attended my first Open Knowledge event, the OKFestival in Helsinki Finland. As a development professional with a technology background I am often skeptical of such events as too soft a subject. What is knowledge anyway? It’s too generic. It’s too easy to immerse yourself in the theoretical and loose sight of the practical.