Posts categorized Open Data

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Adaptive Technology: EITI’s New Validation Scorecard

Stephen Hawking famously observed that “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” As with humans, technology tools must also adapt to changes within organizations if they are to remain useful, and, well, “intelligent”. So what does technology adaptation look like in practice, and how can we make the most of it? For the Extractives

March 29, 2017
Innovation, Open Data
Making the publish once dream a reality

This week, the International Aid Transparency Initiative Technical Advisory Group (IATI TAG) is gathering in Tanzania to discuss how we can take the initiative to the next level....

March 6, 2017
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
What will it take for IATI to bear fruit?

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) has rallied over 500 organizations to publish data on over 600,000 development activities in a machine readable, standard format. Yet with the amount...

February 13, 2017
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
USAID and PEOTUS: What Comes Next?

This Friday, DC will shut down for its quadrennial pomp, circumstance, and presidential transition. While we have seen a flurry of activity on the nomination, vetting, and policy fronts, we know little about PEOTUS’s development philosophy...

January 17, 2017
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
Making Gender Data Count: Can IATI Help?

CGD recently co-hosted a workshop with Data2X, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and Development Gateway on the potential of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) to comprehensively track aid flows and outcomes....

November 4, 2016
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events, Open Data
Civil society needs to get involved in SDG monitoring: Business as usual is not an option

Monitoring is a key element of the 2030 Agenda -- and lies at the heart of the data revolution. Debates around the data revolution and SDG monitoring often focus on the need for more and better data, and for capacity building in developing countries. This focus is justified given the large gaps in data availability and data use....

October 28, 2016
Open Data
Open for the Public, Useful for the Government

When we started to plan the technical architecture of the new GIS Portal for the Philippine National Economic and Development Agency (NEDA), we focused on a core goal: not only should information related to development assistance and public investment projects be easily accessible to the public...

October 24, 2016
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
Get Engaged with OpenAg beyond #IODC16

Development Gateway has been part of the Initiative for OpenAg Funding, which aims to end hunger and food insecurity by improving and making agriculture investment data more accessible, in order for practitioners to make better decisions about how to invest in these issues....

October 7, 2016
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events, Open Data
Putting OCDS to Work at IODC16 Madrid

At last year’s IODC in Ottawa, the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) was still fairly knew and a lot of us were talking about the possibilities of actually implementing it. What a difference a year makes, as the Open Contracting pre-event for IODC includes approximately 15 national and local governments working toward open contracting programs....

October 5, 2016
News/Events, Open Data, Procurement
Philippines Launch Open GIS Portal

Today, the Philippine National Economic and Development Agency (NEDA) launched its new GIS portal for development assistance and public investment projects. This portal represents an important step in continuing the Government’s commitment to fiscal transparency, with all data available for download in open formats....

September 30, 2016
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events, Open Data