Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Introducing the Principles for Subnational Data Use

Tying the DataRev's themes together and driving home the efficacy of investing in subnational data skills, we launched six Principles for Subnational Development. Colleagues shared illustrative case studies, drew important connections to the Principles for Digital Development, and led group discussions to further solidify the Principles.

December 11, 2019 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Subnational
Why use Kettle to publish data using the OCDS Standard? // Por qué utilizar kettle para la publicación de datos en el estándar EDCA ?

Esta publicación está disponible en español al final de esta página. In Argentina, the National Roadwork Directorate (DNV) is responsible for improving and expanding the country’s extensive network of highways and roads – an essential body to infrastructure initiatives. In early 2019, DG began collaborating with DNV to publish its contracting data using the OCDS through an open data portal.

December 9, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, Open Data, Procurement, Tech Stack
A New OCDS portal for Argentina’s Dirección Nacional de Vialidad // Un nuevo portal EDCA para la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad de Argentina

Esta publicación está disponible en español al final de esta página. Over the last 10 months, Development Gateway (DG) has worked with Argentina’s National Roadworks Directorate (DNV) to create an Open Contracting (OC) data portal for the DNV.

December 4, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, News/Events, Open Data, Procurement, Program
DG at the DataRev, November 20-22

The DataRev begins on November 20th here in Washington, D.C, kicking off a 3-day learning, collaborating, and networking event centered on the importance of data use to inform, drive, and measure development outcomes. At the Data Rev, we’ll gather with partners to promote and discuss the importance of investing in local data skills to drive decision making.

October 28, 2019 Global Data Policy
The VIFAA Kenya Stakeholder Workshop: Open Doors for Engagement

Since November 2018, Development Gateway (DG) has led the Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) program, a four-year partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. VIFAA is working to address the supply, demand, and use of fertilizer data at both country and regional levels. To do so, we’re focusing on cross-stakeholder collaboration,

October 17, 2019
Sharing DG’s Strategic Vision

Development Gateway’s mission is to support the use of data, technology, and evidence to create more effective and responsive institutions. We envision a world where institutions listen and respond to the needs of their constituents; are accountable; and are efficient in targeting and delivering services that improve lives. Since late 2018, we’ve been operating under

October 15, 2019 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Results Data
Big Data in Development: A Cautionary Note

Imagine a young woman in her mid-20s in Nairobi, Kenya, named Rehema. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, she is surveilled. When she turns off her morning alarm, an app logs how many hours she slept. As Rehema jumps onboard a bus to go to work, her phone tracks her location.

October 8, 2019 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Results Data
Takeaways from #D4GX19: Harnessing Data Science for the SDGs

Bloomberg’s Data for Good Exchange (D4GX): Data Science for SDGs brought together data scientists, corporations, academics, practitioners, and civil society to discuss issues and explore opportunities related to data science and social good. Given DG’s recent work on the Administrative Data Driven Decisions (AD3) program and understanding national data ecosystems, we opened our D4GX workshop asking, “Show of hands – who thought today’s workshop would cover how to use data science and administrative data to report on SDG indicators?”

October 4, 2019 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Results Data
A Project’s Afterlife: Distilling Lessons from Project Post-Mortems

At DG, we pride ourselves in being a learning organization – focusing on continuous improvement and knowledge-building. We support this goal through a number of mechanisms, including holding post-mortem meetings at the end of every project. A post-mortem is a common method for project teams to review different perspectives on what went well, challenges faced, and what lessons could improve future projects.

September 30, 2019 Strategic Advisory Services
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Process, Results Data
VIFAA Kenya Kickoff Workshop: Next Steps to Visualizing Fertilizer Insights

VIFAA Kenya implementation began in April 2019. Across VIFAA, we see cross-stakeholder partnerships as a key entry point to meet country and regional fertilizer needs. In Kenya, we are leveraging these partnerships to co-develop work plans that specifically address key data – and data use – gaps. Our approach to strategic decision-making starts with addressing those data gaps. In consultation with country stakeholders each step of the way, we will also identify data sources and co-design fertilizer dashboards.

August 8, 2019