Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Announcing the Development Gateway 2018 Annual Report: Putting Data to Use

We are pleased to announce the digital publication of Development Gateway’s 2018 Annual Report. This year, we have built on our decision-focused approach to data and evidence; implemented innovative programs in our expanding agriculture and extractives industries focus areas; and invested in a systematic gender lens.

January 31, 2019
Announcing the Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) Program

Sub-Saharan Africa’s population has grown by 11 million people a year for the past 60 years – for a total of about 670 million people since 1950. Mortality rates have declined, fertility rates have risen – but what does a shifting demographic dividend mean for keeping up with food security? Though fertilizer consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa makes

January 11, 2019 Agriculture
Launch, Program
DG White Paper Release: The Custom Assessment and Landscaping Methodology

To achieve data use, we must change how we approach, design, and implement M&E systems. At present, investments in M&E systems suffer from high levels of inefficiency, and there is a high rate of failure across implemented systems. In taking steps to improve how M&E systems are designed, and to achieve truly useful systems, Development Gateway is pleased to announce the release of our latest white paper, “The Custom Assessment and Landscaping Methodology: Balancing Accountability & Learning in M&E Systems.”

January 3, 2019
News/Events, Process, Results Data
Can a Centralized Digital Repository Support Country-level Data Use and Sharing?

In late September, in preparation for the release of USAID’s new Development Data Library (DDL), Development Gateway (DG) and the USAID Data Services Team visited USAID staff and implementing partners in Nepal and Cambodia. During their visit, the Data Services Team and DG hosted a workshop to introduce partners to the new DDL platform through

December 13, 2018 Agriculture
Open Data
New Leadership for Development Gateway

After close to 10 years at Development Gateway (DG), Jean-Louis Sarbib is moving on from his job as Chief Executive Officer on December 31, 2018. DG is now a well respected, thriving social enterprise with a talented, entrepreneurial, and dedicated staff. The organization has risen to meet the needs of the Data Revolution for the Sustainable Development Goals, and maintains strong relationships with country governments, development organizations, and foundations. The recent addition of policy and analytic capabilities has further raised DG’s profile and potential.  "It has…

December 11, 2018
Sharing the OpenDCH StoryMap: Exploring the Mapping Process in Côte d’Ivoire

The Open Geospatial Data Center for Health (OpenDCH) program aims to address gaps in both data supply and demand in Côte d'Ivoire, focusing on stakeholder engagement, alignment of data sources, and forging of data literacy. OpenDCH is a partnership between AidData, Development Gateway, the Ministry of Health’s Direction de l'Informatique et de l'Information Sanitaire (DIIS), and USAID/Côte d’Ivoire.

December 3, 2018 Health
Open Data, Program
Cracking Open the IATI Tool Guide

As the number of tools and resources for using and publishing data to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) continues to increase, it gets harder to keep track of what is available, and how maximize each tool’s benefits. To address this, we at Development Gateway put together the IATI Tool Guide, a one-stop guide to IATI tools and resources.

November 29, 2018 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Open Data, Program
Join Us: Strengthening Foreign Assistance through Results Data Use

We know that evidence can lead to better outcomes. Yet despite spending upwards of USD $2.5 billion annually on collecting information about results – outcomes and impacts – research suggests these data are infrequently used. We at Development Gateway invite you to discuss how we can address this gap, by making smarter agency and government-wide investments in results.

November 26, 2018 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Results Data
Developer-to-Developer Mentorship in Bandung, Indonesia: A Blueprint for Open Contracting Success

Since April of this year, DG has been collaborating with the World Bank and a developer consultant from the Bandung City Government to publish the Government’s procurement data in Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) format. This partnership has led to the launch of an exciting new procurement data portal for Bandung, with a functioning OCDS API.

November 13, 2018 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
News/Events, Open Data, Procurement
Mapping the Path Toward Collaborative Research

Development actors, ourselves included, talk a lot about the importance of opening up datasets and building interoperability in order to leverage the power of collective data – but often without clarity on what meaningful collaboration and sharing actually requires in practice. For example, what can a livestock project in Nepal and a rice project in Cambodia learn from each

November 9, 2018 Agriculture
Explainer, Open Data