Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Evaluating Donor-Level Results Measurement Systems

Donors have established a variety of systems for collecting and aggregating results information for aid-funded programs to assess whether...

March 8, 2016
Results Data
Results Indicators: Costs vs. Benefits?

We had a fascinating conversation a few weeks ago with a medical doctor who runs an HIV clinic in Tanzania. He offered...

March 3, 2016
Results Data
Call for Participation: Initiative for Open Ag Funding

Development Gateway is proud to be a part of the new Initiative for Open Ag Funding, which seeks to establish...

March 1, 2016
Innovation, Open Data
EITI Data Portal Demo and Feedback at the EITI Global Conference

This week at the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Global Conference in Lima...

February 25, 2016
Innovation, News/Events, Open Data
What do aid donors really accomplish? A story of HIV trainings in Ghana

How many people – health workers, citizens, and government staff – have been trained in HIV prevention and treatment in Ghana in the past 10 years?

February 23, 2016
Results Data
RDI: Takeaways from First Sri Lanka Country Visit

Members of the Results Data Initiative team kicked off our country study in Sri Lanka in December....

February 16, 2016
Results Data
Are Government and Development Partner M&E Systems Effectively Aligned and Harmonized?

Alignment and harmonization are specified in the 2005 Paris Declaration as...

February 10, 2016
Results Data
The Art of Data Science

The use of data science techniques like data mining, machine learning, and data visualization has enabled...

February 4, 2016
Towards a Sustainable 2030

This post is excerpted from Development Gateway’s quarterly newsletter.

February 2, 2016
Openness in Fragile Environments: The art of the possible

How do you adapt open government approaches to countries that are prone to violence, emerging from conflict...

January 28, 2016
Innovation, News/Events