Posts by Beverley Hatcher-Mbu
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Identifying EI Data User Needs at EITI Global 2019
With support from the Open Societies Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), Development Gateway (DG) began conducting studies in July 2018 in Senegal, Guinea, and Nigeria to map data needs, availability, and use in the extractives sector. Last week at the EITI Global Conference in Paris, France, we shared key takeaways and findings on EI data needs in the session Leveraging Information Technology in EITI Mainstreaming. Today, we're sharing more details from our presentation and how takeaways are building into our EI data work in West Africa.

Artificial Intelligence: A Silver Bullet or Scrap Metal for Global Development?
When someone mentions artificial intelligence (AI), it’s easy to conjure up two conflicting images: the first, killer robots whizzing past, replacing human jobs, daily tasks, and social interactions in a post-apocalyptic world; the second, a C-3PO-esque personality revolutionizing our health and food systems. Pondering this, we are also inclined to explore the question, where does

GDPR and its Connection to the Open Data Movement
Since this past May, you’ve probably received a flood of company emails updating terms of service and consent requests to give permission to collect your data. You also probably know that this flood is all thanks to the EU’s recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has set us abuzz in its heightened protection of

Promoting Data Use within Changing Environments in Haiti
Eight years after the devastating earthquake, Haiti is in a unique position as it transitions from being the recipient of post-disaster humanitarian aid to pursuing stable, sustainable development. With this in mind, how can we make geocoded data easier to collect, analyze, and use as part of decision-making processes in the country?