Posts categorized 20YearsOfDG

20th Party
Turning 20 in 2020…

As we look forward to DG’s next decade, which coincides with the end of the 2030 SDG era, the tumult of the present, together with our core identity and skills, point us to several opportunities to contribute to a more hopeful future. We are looking forward to working with our partners in making DG’s 3rd decade our most ambitious and successful one yet.

August 25, 2020
Who Are We Now?

Over the last twenty years, DG has morphed into a global organization with location-based personnel across the world. Where are we now? Who is Development Gateway and what do we prioritize?

August 20, 2020
20 ans de leçons apprises

DG a été façonné par 20 ans de leçons apprises à travers les évaluations, les mises en œuvre et les mesures d’atténuation pour faire face aux défis. Ces leçons ont contribué à faire évoluer notre approche, à influencer notre perspective stratégique et à soutenir l’innovation continue.

August 18, 2020
20YearsOfDG, En Français
20 Years of Lessons Learned

DG has been shaped by 20 years of lessons learned through assessments, implementations, and challenges. These lessons have helped to evolve our approach, influenced our policy perspective, and supported continuous growth & innovation.

August 18, 2020
Development Gateway and the Eggheads of Open Data

The real work of open data requires digging in when the excitement fades, doing the hard and tedious work maintaining and adapting systems, constantly reflecting upon the underlying assumptions of our theories of change around open data, and testing those assumptions again and again with painstaking, rigorous evaluation. A guest post from Dr. Catherine Weaver explores UT Austin's partnership with DG.

July 31, 2020
20YearsOfDG, Open Data
In Partnership: 11 Years of Investing in Development Data

Each day, we work in international development because we hope to make things better. While there are highs and lows in the journey, one of the joys in the work is finding those who share similar values and a relentless pursuit of excellence. A reflection on the partnership between AidData and DG.

July 30, 2020
The Open Gov Hub: A Pivotal Partnership that Created a Vibrant Community

DG and Global Integrity co-founded the Open Gov Hub 2012 to break through traditional silos between different sectors and organizations, and to catalyze sharing and collaboration. "Because, working together continues to be the best way to address collective social challenges, in our backyards and around the globe." 

July 29, 2020
Our Partnerships Make Us DG

Out of DG’s twelve core values, five are centered on partners and partnerships. Our ability to achieve sustainability and impact is greatly dependent on our strong partnerships, which expand beyond our expertise alone. From our early days co-designing the Aid Management Platform with the Government of Ethiopia and other partners, to today, partnerships are what make DG, DG.

July 28, 2020
How DG Brought a Gender Data Approach to Our Least-Likely Projects — and Beyond

For a long time, gender in development data has been an afterthought. The focus was on the role of data or technology broadly; if gender came up, it was usually in the context of issues that explicitly affected women (maternal health for example.) DG has increasingly sought to prioritize a gender data. By asking “how could we use a gender focus here?,” we have been able to answer a surprisingly broad range of questions. 

July 21, 2020
We’re Celebrating 20 Years!

July 14, 2020
20YearsOfDG, News/Events