Posts categorized 20YearsOfDG

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Data, Digital, and Policy at DG

Through dozens of implementations across a variety of sectors, countries & contexts, DG has seen firsthand what makes data, technology & evidence effective, and what can contribute to dormant systems filled with incomplete and unused data. Based on our history, relationships, and perspectives, we realized that DG had a lot to say.

July 9, 2020 Global Data Policy, Strategic Advisory Services
The Results Data Initiative has Ended, but We’re still Learning from It

If an organization with an existing culture of learning and adaptation gets lucky, and an innovative funding opportunity appears, the result can be a perfect storm for changing everything. The Results Data Initiative was that perfect storm for DG. RDI confirmed that simply building technology and supplying data is not enough to ensure data is actually used. It also allowed us to test our assumptions and develop new solutions, methodologies & approaches to more effectively implement our work.

July 2, 2020 Strategic Advisory Services
20YearsOfDG, Program, Results Data
AMP Through the Ages

15 years ago, AMP development was led by and co-designed with multiple partner country governments and international organizations. From a single implementation, AMP grew into 25 implementations globally. Through this growth, DG has learned crucial lessons about building systems that support the use of data for decision-making.

June 25, 2020 Aid Management Program
20YearsOfDG, Aid Effectiveness & Management
A Deep Dive into 20 Years of DG Tech

20 years is multiple lifetimes in technology. We have seen technologies, companies, and trends come and go – some leaving lasting impact, others unfulfilled promises. Here we reflect on our tech history and our efforts to constantly evolve, to stay ahead of the curve, and to maintain a focus on building tools that our partners can actually use, expand, and sustain.

June 23, 2020
20YearsOfDG, Tech Stack
A Brief History of DG

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we recognize that in many ways the DG of today and the DG of 20 years ago are totally different, but what we have accomplished and learned on the journey has become part of our DNA. Our successes and challenges have fed into our ethos as the innovative, agile organization that we are today.

June 16, 2020
20YearsOfDG, News/Events
Celebrating 20 Years of Development Gateway

Twenty years ago, DG began as an idea, “How can we leverage the power of the internet to understand who is doing what, where, and to what effect?" This summer, we are celebrating DG’s 20th anniversary. We will take stock of where we have been, examine where we are now, and look to the future of DG.

June 8, 2020
20YearsOfDG, News/Events