Posts categorized Aid Effectiveness & Management
Page 11

South-South Cooperation: A Honduran Case Study
Development Finance open data has quickly become a hot topic for large international groups. The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), World Bank, and AidData (a partner of Development Gateway’s) are just a few of the many organizations that have promoted this increase in open data and aid transparency.

MapAfrica: AfDB Geocoding for Greater Accountability
Geocoding (turning the location of development activities into coordinates that enable accurate placement on a map) has long been high on the agenda for those interested in the traceability of funding for development projects.rnrnWith this objective in mind, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is geocoding its entire portfolio of activities, by mapping the exact location of the operations it finances. This will also help the institution better integrate its actions with other national open data and geospatial initiatives, principally the Open Aid Partnership, USAID, and AidData.

How are International Development Partners Supporting Timor-Leste?
Congratulations to the Government of Timor-Leste for releasing its Development Cooperation Report for 2012 using data from the Timor-Leste Aid Management Platform. rnrnTimor-Leste has long been at the forefront of the transparency movement.

Announcing the Lao PDR AMP Public Portal
Development Gateway is proud to announce that the Government of the Lao PDR launched a public portal to its Aid Management Platform (AMP) on 18 November 2013. The Aid Management Platform is a country level aid information management system that allows the Government to record and monitor project level Official Development Assistance information. The AMP Public Portal makes the information in the AMP available to development stakeholders, Laotian citizens, and the general public.

Malawi Public AMP Portal Launch Highlights Broader Shift Towards Openness and Transparency
Recently, the Government of Malawi launched a new public portal on foreign aid spending. The portal allows citizens, civil society members, development partners, government employees, and other stakeholders to see detailed information on aid-funded projects.

Better Total Resource Management Using AMP Data in Nepal’s Budget System
Staff in Nepal’s Ministry of Finance now has even more effective tools for budgeting and planning, thanks to a new link between their Aid Management Platform and the national budget system designed around the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard.

AfDB Now Publishes Project-Level and Geocoded Data to IATI
The African Development Bank (AfDB) is now publishing its project-level data to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). The newly launched AfDB IATI feed includes geocoded data on all of its ongoing activities, developed in partnership with AidData. Development Gateway is proud to have collaborated with AfDB to reach this important milestone.

Nepal Aid Management Platform Goes Public
Development Gateway is very pleased to partner with Nepal’s Ministry of Finance on the launch of the AMP Public Portal. This online portal publicizes all of the development assistance information recorded in the Aid Management Platform (AMP). Nepal Finance Secretary Mr. Shanta Raj Subedi formally introduced the new website at a well-attended government event on Friday, June 21.

Le Burkina Faso rend ses données publiques et lie la PGA à son système de gestion budgétaire
'Development Gateway a rencontré M. Jean-Marie Kebre, Chargé de la coordination de l’aide et point focal de la PGA au sein de la Direction Générale de la Coopération (DGCOOP), au Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances du Burkina Faso. M. Kebre s’est exprimé sur deux grand chantiers actuels de la DGCOOP: l’ouverture de la PGA à tous les acteurs intervenant dans la gestion de l’aide ; et l’interfaçage entre la PGA et le système CIFE (Circuit Intégré des Financements Extérieurs).'

Le Togo produit son premier rapport sur l’aide grâce à la PGA
Dans le souci d’améliorer la gestion de l’aide et la transparence dans son utilisation, le gouvernement togolais a choisi de mettre en place la Plateforme de Gestion de l’Aide (PGA) comme système de gestion de l’information de l’aide au développement. M. Essobouzou Awade, Coordonnateur National de la Déclaration de Paris au sein du Ministère de la Planification, du Développement et des Affaires Territoriales (MPDAT) du Togo, dans son intervention, a mis l’accent sur les réalisations effectuées avec la PGA depuis la mise en place du système en 2011.