Posts categorized Open Data
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Open Data in Senegal
The Senegalese Government showcased its commitment towards establishing an Open Data policy by hosting a workshop with the theme...
Data Sharing: Access, Language, and Context All Matter
Investments in data – and open data – have grown during the 15 years of the MDG era...
Talking Tools for Use in Tanzania
Over the next couple of days, we’re looking forward to discussing open data tools with attendees of the Africa Open Data Conference in Dar...
Arrays, Objects, and Trees: A Look at JSON-formatted Contracting Data
The Open Impact Day conference hosted in Washington, D.C. this past month highlighted examples of open data in improving trust between citizens and their governments...
What Makes Big Data Good Data?
No one would argue that we shouldn’t make better use of the data that we have, and it’s generally agreed that visualizations can help make data more easily understood...
You Will Never Believe What Data Farce People Fall For!
Literacy rates are commonly tracked across the globe. A foreseeable indicator to be tracked in the future as we head further and further into a data driven world will be data literacy rates....
Approaching Granularity: Connecting Open Aid and Open Contracting in Timor-Leste
As we move toward the Data Revolution, the role of data granularity and “joined-up” data is key to informing decision-making in development program allocations.
Open Data: A Journey of Discovery in Nepal
Open data has the potential to change lives. Data can be used as a tool to enable governments, donors and other actors to allocate financial resources more effectively to improve development outcomes and end poverty...
IATI and Country Systems: DG Working Paper
This blog post introduces a new DG working paper on the use of IATI data in country Aid Information Managements Systems (AIMS). The working paper aims to help inform discussions at the IATI TAG and Steering Committee Meetings, to be held in Ottawa from May 30-June 2...
Parasites and Looting, AKA Corruption
While in a previous post we applauded one oil company for taking a huge leap in transparency, it’s a small (albeit very important) drop in a large bucket of issues around natural resources in developing countries...