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The Results Data Initiative has Ended, but We’re still Learning from It
If an organization with an existing culture of learning and adaptation gets lucky, and an innovative funding opportunity appears, the result can be a perfect storm for changing everything. The Results Data Initiative was that perfect storm for DG. RDI confirmed that simply building technology and supplying data is not enough to ensure data is actually used. It also allowed us to test our assumptions and develop new solutions, methodologies & approaches to more effectively implement our work.
Working with Partners to Find Solutions to Integration Challenges
This past March, DG launched an AMP module that helps the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development in Uganda track aid disbursements in their existing Program Budgeting System. This blog examines DG’s technical process and the specific solutions used to overcome AMP-Program Budgeting System (PBS) integration challenges.
Creating Integrations between AMP & Existing Country Systems
Since 2017, Development Gateway has been working with the Government of Uganda to build and update their Aid Management Platform (AMP). Uganda’s AMP houses over 1,300 on-budget projects directly from its national data management system. This year, DG built a module that interfaces with Uganda’s Program Budgeting System (PBS) to ensure that data is effectively transmitted between the two systems.
Highlights from the Tobacco Control Data Initiative South Africa Assessment
Several months ago, the Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) team completed an assessment in South Africa to understand the key priorities and data needs of those who work in tobacco control. During the assessment, the team talked to a variety of stakeholders within government agencies, civil society organizations, and academia who work on promoting, advocating, or evaluating tobacco control policies.
DCDJ SuperFellows: Reinforcing Improvements & Sustainability in the Data Ecosystem
Since 2018, Development Gateway has led the Des Chiffres et Des Jeunes (DCDJ) project. A mainstay of DCDJ is the Data Fellowship program, which provides data science training to young professionals in Cote d’Ivoire, followed by internships with government ministries, agencies, or NGOs that are part of the fight against HIV/AIDS. The SuperFellows reinforce capacity building and sustainability in the data ecosystem.
The Tech Behind Makueni County’s Open Contracting Portal
Since 2017, DG has been working with the Government of Makueni County in Kenya and Hivos to improve the quality of procurement processes through an online portal that promotes transparency and accountability. The platform is different in that it provides county-level instead of national-level open contracting information. In this post, we highlight the technology behind the portal.
The Government of Jordan’s Approach to Strengthening Trust (Through Data)
The Government of Jordan has demonstrated a commitment to digitization and digital transformation to increase transparency, trust, and accountability. This guest post by Mays Abdel Aziz, of the Government of Jordan’s Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, looks at how the Aid Flows Information System fits into efforts to build trust.
Narrow the Gendered Data Divide by Investing in Women
As we approach Beijing+25, awareness about the literal value of gender equality continues to rise—but actual progress has stalled. The 2020 World Economic Forum Gender Gap Report reveals women’s under-representation is most acute in data, digital, and technology fields that will drive economic growth over the next decade. According to the report, just 12 percent of cloud computing, 15 percent of engineering, and 26 percent of data and artificial intelligence professionals are women.
AMP Offline Joins Full AMP Code in Going Open Source
In line with Development Gateway’s commitment to using open-source technology, and building on the transparency and community benefits we’ve seen from opening the Aid Management Platform (AMP) source code last year, DG is pleased to announce that we’ve made the AMP Offline application fully open-source.
AD3: Co-design Workshop of the Multi-disciplinary Working Group Dashboard | AD3: Atelier de co-conception du tableau de bord du Groupe de Travail Pluridisciplinaire
Last month, in partnership with the National Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority (ANACIM), DG held a co-design workshop to better understand the visualization needs around agro-climatic data. We worked with ANACIM’s Multi-disciplinary Working Group (GTP), to reflect on the content and design of AD3’s interactive platform, and decided how best to present each indicator to facilitate decision-making.