Posts categorized Program
Page 14

Promoting Data Use within Changing Environments in Haiti
Eight years after the devastating earthquake, Haiti is in a unique position as it transitions from being the recipient of post-disaster humanitarian aid to pursuing stable, sustainable development. With this in mind, how can we make geocoded data easier to collect, analyze, and use as part of decision-making processes in the country?

Introducing the CCAPS Conflict Dashboard to Visualize Conflict Trends in Real Time
The Strauss Center's program on Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) analyzes how climate change could impact African and international security. Program research explores the drivers of climate insecurity, links between climate change and conflict, national responses to shocks and conflict, and the impact of adaptation aid responses.

Interactive Dashboard Shows Aid Trends in Africa
The Strauss Center's Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) program has released a new aid dashboard that includes an interactive map and graphing tools, allowing users to explore trends in aid allocation by donor, sector, and demographics across Africa. The dashboard is a collaborative effort that includes geocoded aid data from CCAPS and several partner institutions. AidData and CCAPS built the aid dashboard using Esri tools to combine trends analysis with the most comprehensive collection of geocoded data on aid projects in Africa.

New Geocoded Data Sheds Light on Social Conflict
The Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) program launched Version 2.0 of the CCAPS mapping tool this week, adding the full Social Conflict in Africa Database, and updating the Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset (ACLED) with events through 2012.

Geocoding can help governments and development partners improve division of labor
Mapping aid activities is a powerful way to show what donors are doing and where, which could be a big help in division of labor discussions.

Mapping Tool Analyzes How Climate Change, Conflict, and Aid Intersect

Geocoding Hits the Ground
'This Story from the Field comes from Joshua Powell, a Business Development Associate with Development Gateway focusing on AidData and geocoding work:'