Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world
The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.
Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.
Five Tips for Successful Co-Design
As co-designing gains traction in the international development sector, Deputy Director of Programs Andrea Ulrich outlines five ways in which DG has found success co-designing projects with stakeholders.
Cashew-IN Platform Demo
Development Gateway (DG) and Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) have partnered to launch an innovative platform to support the West African cashew sector and increase profitability for cashew farmers. Comprehensive and reliable data is required for cashew farmers, producers, processors, and others in the West African cashew sector to increase profits, reduce loss, and improve global competitiveness. In this video, Vanessa Baudin Sanchez and Nadejda Mândrescu demonstrate the features of the Cashew-IN platform and discuss the underlying technology.
AD3ventures in Mapping
Administrative data – data from civil registration and vital statistics systems, and sectoral (health, education, judicial, social protection) management information systems – is rich with insights on citizen needs and priorities. Though timely and disaggregated administrative data can complement official statistics, it comes with its own data quality, availability, and use challenges.
AD3 ou une aventure cartographique
Par le biais d'AD3, nous avons développé un tableau de bord qui se concentre sur le climat, les prix du marché, les maladies du bétail, le niveau des fleuves et les précipitations annuelles, entre autres thèmes. Si le tableau de bord lui-même est un référentiel d'informations utile, la méthode d’élaboration des cartes et d’itération des commentaires des utilisateurs a permis d'identifier les bonnes pratiques en matière de visualisation des données.
Women in Mining as Actors of Sustainable Development
Launched last week in Conakry, the Women in Mining initiative builds on our existing work in the mining industry in Guinea. With partners, DG will assess the involvement of women in disbursement of local economic development funds in the Boke region and develop a digital tool to visualize the findings.
Les femmes des zones minières, actrices du développement durable
Lancée la semaine dernière à Conakry, l’initiative “Women in Mining” s’appuie sur notre travail existant dans l’industrie minière en Guinée. Avec ses partenaires, DG évaluera l’implication des femmes dans le décaissement des fonds de développement économique local dans la région de Boke et développera un outil numérique pour visualiser les résultats.
Designing Data Visualizations: Merging Best Practices and Design Thinking
DG has been co-designing data visualizations with partners and stakeholders for over a decade. Thinking about the ways people process information is crucial to developing easy-to-understand data visualizations. In this post, we examine best practices for incorporating user-centered design into our data visualization outputs.
Launching Today: Dashboard to Support Seed System Development in Africa
Since 2019, Development Gateway, The African Seed Access Index (TASAI), and Cornell University have been developing a new dashboard to support policy reform by government, investment priorities by development partners, and strategy by private companies working in Africa’s formal seed sector. The new, interactive digital tool will visualize and use data to support a fully functional formal seed system.
Announcing: The VIFAA Accelerator
Since 2017, Development Gateway and partners have been working on the Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) Program to support development partners and the private sector to respond to changes in the fertilizer market, ensuring that sufficient quantities and appropriate fertilizers reach farmers at the right time for planting. Recently, DG received funding to expand the program to include four to six additional countries through 2023.
Lancement du prototype de la plateforme Cashew-IN
Des données exhaustives et fiables peuvent contribuer à accroître les profits, à réduire les pertes ainsi qu’à améliorer la compétitivité des agriculteurs, des producteurs, des transformateurs et des autres acteurs du secteur de la noix de cajou. Development Gateway (DG) s’est associé à Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) dans le cadre du projet PRO-Cashew de l’USDA pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest pour développer Cashew-IN, une plateforme de collecte et d’analyse de données.