Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

A World that Counts vs. A World that Hides

'The Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution has released their report, A World that Counts: Mobilising the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, which outlines how to enact the data revolution into the Sustainable Development Goals. In true MDG/SDG global goal setting fashion the report proposes a “Global Consensus on Data,” a “Network of Data Innovation Networks,” a UN-led “Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data,” and an “SDGs data lab.”'

November 26, 2014
Data Use
Learning our lessons as we shape the post 2015 Data Revolution

The United Nations IEAG report on mobilizing the Data Revolution for development, opens with this truism:Without high-quality data providing the right information on the right things at the right time; designing, monitoring and evaluating effective policies becomes almost impossible.

November 24, 2014
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Uganda’s Development Information Goes Public

'Last week, the Ugandan Government made public its Development Assistance Management System, which tracks all external development assistance projects in the country. This system is a technical part of the country''s Aid Management Program (AMP).Overseen by the Ugandan Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, Secretary Keith Muhahanizi reaffirmed on Friday that the system:'

November 21, 2014
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events, Open Data
AMP 2.10: A New Frontier

As a technical-minded social enterprise, much of Development Gateway’s work involves partnering with governments to devise solutions to improve the effectiveness and transparency of their aid management activities. The Aid Management Program (AMP) – a comprehensive suite of co-created software, technical training, and good practice-sharing – is one such example. After nearly a decade of software iteration, technical training, and fostering South-South Cooperation through annual workshops, AMP has reached a new milestone: Software Version 2.10.'

November 13, 2014
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events
Fighting Ebola, One Data Entry at a Time

Maybe it’s just me, but the hysteria over Ebola seems to be far greater than any other contagion-type scenario we’ve been through of late (or I’ve just become more cognizant of the fact that I’m a little bit older, and death is that much closer).

November 12, 2014
Open Data
Helping New EU Member States Fulfill Busan Commitments

Development Gateway is pleased to announce the launch of EU-DEVFIN, a platform that enhances official development assistance (ODA) reporting capacity for new European Union (EU) member states.

November 11, 2014
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Innovation
One Small Step for Development

The voices that yell “aid is broken” are varied, and while you may or may not agree with that full statement, there is definitely room for improvement.

November 6, 2014
A New Kind of Transit Dashboard

Logistics – broadly defined as the services and processes needed to move goods and services from production to consumption – is a cornerstone for economic efficiency and expansion. High-quality, interconnected roads and ports can make the transportation of goods easier, and boost domestic productivity.

November 4, 2014
News/Events, Open Data
Preventing a Zombie(Tech) Apocalypse

'As we celebrate today the spookiest holiday of the year – complete with zombies and vampire galore – we wanted to bring to light another sort of zombie invasion, one which has plagued the tech sector for many years. The OpenGov Hub hosted a Brown Bag Lunch earlier this month, Attack of the Zombie Projects: Why Do NGOs Keep Building Lousy Technology? to discuss the recurrent reappearance of “zombie” projects in the NGO and tech space.'

October 31, 2014
Fostering South-South Connections at the AMP Good Practices Workshop

We at Development Gateway have had the privilege of working in 25 different countries through our Aid Management Program (AMP). These countries are spread throughout so many different regions – West Africa, East Africa, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Balkans, the Caribbean, and Central America; their experiences vary widely, yet they often encounter similar difficulties and share many of the same goals and aspirations.

October 30, 2014
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events