Posts by Vanessa Baudin Sanchez
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Highlights from Francophone Africa and the Caribbean
DG has been implementing projects in French-speaking African and Caribbean countries since 2007. We apply our technical expertise to develop multilingual customized tools, processes, and analyses to help our partners achieve results in various domains including development assistance, agriculture, extractive industries, and health. This newsletter highlights DG's ongoing work in francophone countries.

Une réflexion sur les données des IE
Au cours des dernières années, DG a intensifié sa recherche dans le domaine des industries extractives (IE) en Afrique de l'Ouest, ce qui a permis de mieux cerner les lacunes en termes de données et d'identifier les opportunités du secteur. Nous avons constaté que les informations disponibles au grand public sont principalement axées sur la transparence des flux financiers et ciblent la scène internationale, mais occultent les facteurs non-financiers et l'impact local réel de l'industrie. Une question reste en suspens : comment promouvoir la divulgation de données susceptibles d'appuyer les communautés impactées par les activités extractives ?

A Reflection on the State of Extractive Industry Data
In the past few years, DG has increased focus on the extractives industry (EI) in West Africa and learned tremendously about the data gaps and opportunities in this sector. Overall we are seeing that while data is available, it is focused primarily on financial transparency and geared to a global audience, omitting information on local impacts and non-financial factors. A big question remains: how do we ensure that data is also used to support the communities impacted by extractives?

20 ans de leçons apprises
DG a été façonné par 20 ans de leçons apprises à travers les évaluations, les mises en œuvre et les mesures d’atténuation pour faire face aux défis. Ces leçons ont contribué à faire évoluer notre approche, à influencer notre perspective stratégique et à soutenir l’innovation continue.

20 Years of Lessons Learned
DG has been shaped by 20 years of lessons learned through assessments, implementations, and challenges. These lessons have helped to evolve our approach, influenced our policy perspective, and supported continuous growth & innovation.

Understanding Stakeholder Needs: Extractives Industry Data Portal Assessment in West Africa
Starting in June 2018, DG assessed the extractive industry data landscape in Senegal, Nigeria, and Guinea. The goal was to determine the feasibility of designing and implementing an Extractives Industry Data Portal (EIDP) for each country. A major finding is that extractive industry financial flow data is no longer enough. Stakeholders want information that will help them advocate for protecting the environment, providing youth and educational services, and ensuring access to health facilities in the community.
Quand le Covid-19 Confirme la Nécessité d’une Commande Publique Ouverte au Sénégal
Chaque année, les gouvernements dépensent des milliards de dollars, dans la commande publique de biens et services - s’ils ne mettent pas en avant le concept de redevabilité, beaucoup de ressources peuvent être perdues au gaspillage ou à la corruption. Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, la transparence dans les marchés publics, plus précisément la commande publique ouverte, est nécessaire au Sénégal et dans le monde, au moment les gouvernements se mobilisent pour lutter contre la pandémie du Covid-19 et essaient de s'en remettre, tout en s'efforçant de venir en aide aux populations les plus vulnérables.

When Covid-19 Confirms the Need for Open Contracting in Senegal
Each year, governments spend trillions of dollars through public procurement of goods and services – without a focus on accountability, much can be lost through waste or corruption. Today, more than ever, transparency in public procurement and Open Contracting is needed in Senegal and around the world as governments respond to and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.
A Prototype for Tracking Women’s Inclusion in the Extractives Industry: Launch of the WIM Guinea Pilot Index // Un Baromètre de Suivi de l’Inclusion des Femmes dans les Industries Extractives : Lancement de l’Indice Pilote de WIM Guinée
Last week in partnership with Women in Mining (WIM) Guinea and the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), we celebrated the official launch of the WIM Guinea Index prototype. En partenariat avec Women in Mining (WIM) Guinée et Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), nous avons procédé au lancement officiel de l'Indice Pilote de WIM Guinée le 22 janvier 2020 à Conakry.

Identifying EI Data User Needs at EITI Global 2019
With support from the Open Societies Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), Development Gateway (DG) began conducting studies in July 2018 in Senegal, Guinea, and Nigeria to map data needs, availability, and use in the extractives sector. Last week at the EITI Global Conference in Paris, France, we shared key takeaways and findings on EI data needs in the session Leveraging Information Technology in EITI Mainstreaming. Today, we're sharing more details from our presentation and how takeaways are building into our EI data work in West Africa.