Posts categorized Aid Effectiveness & Management

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E-government Tool Makes Development Aid More Effective

WASHINGTON—The Development Gateway announced today that it will showcase the results of the implementation of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) at the Accra High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to be held from Sept. 2–4, 2008. Results of eight implementations of AMP show that the application can strengthen a country’s ownership and coordination of its aid process by building government capacity, empowering policy-makers, and by promoting regional knowledge sharing. Roughly 200 government staff members in Africa, Europe, and Latin America have completed advanced training in the…

August 19, 2008
Aid Effectiveness & Management
New Virtual Communities on Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction

These new portals will provide a virtual space in which participants can share knowledge, best practices, and other relevant information. The purpose of this initiative is to build capacity, strengthen working relationships, and improve development outcomes. Particular emphasis will be placed on bringing together government agencies and international and nongovernmental organizations in developed and developing countries to discuss common challenges. "The cyclone in Myanmar and the earthquake in China have reminded us all of the need for more effective knowledge sharing and partnership on these…

May 22, 2008
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Facilitating Partnerships

![]( Staff from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development show visitors from Ghana how to use the aid management platform. Ethiopia Just two years ago, Ethiopia, one of the largest recipients of development assistance, lacked a system to manage the more than $1 billion in official aid that donors give each year. Today, that has changed. The once cumbersome system of spreadsheets has been replaced by the Aid Management Platform (AMP), an integrated system for tracking development assistance. AMP has helped transform aid management…

September 19, 2007
Aid Effectiveness & Management
High-tech Partnership to Aid Developing Countries

The Development Gateway Foundation and FreeBalance today announced a strategic alliance to integrate public financial management and aid management software. The alliance partners have recorded their first major milestone with the successful integration of budget and accounting modules from the FreeBalance Government Accountability Suite with the Aid Management Platform from the Development Gateway Foundation. The Aid Management Platform (AMP) is a Web-based application that enables governments to better manage and coordinate development assistance. Designed for use by governments and their development partners, AMP improves and…

December 19, 2006
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Bolivia to Implement the Aid Management Platform

The government of Bolivia will implement the Development Gateway Foundation’s Aid Management Platform (AMP) as part of a national strategy to better manage international assistance. AMP is a Web-based software solution for developing country governments and donors. The platform, based on open source software, provides a virtual workspace for government employees managing aid resources. The Development Gateway Foundation, in conjunction with the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, has already conducted a technical assessment of the Bolivian government’s systems and processes…

October 19, 2006
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events
Launch of Mexican Online Portal to Support National Development

The Mexican Council for Economic and Social Development (COMDES), in cooperation with the Internet Office of the President of Mexico and 30 other organizations, today launched a national web portal to promote cooperation, transparency and civil society participation in Mexico’s economic development efforts. Called the Mexican Development Gateway, it is part of the international network of Country Gateways supported by the Development Gateway Foundation in Washington, D.C. The initiative was launched at the Presidential Residence of Los Pinos before hundreds of participants from the public…

May 18, 2006
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Improving Aid Management in Ethiopia

"Stronger systems for tracking and reporting aid help recipients and donors better manage resources for greater development impact." – Christopher Hall, Program Coordinator, Harmonization The World Bank In May 2005, the Government of Ethiopia completed the first implementation of Development Gateway’s new Aid Management Platform (AMP), a Web-based information-sharing system that streamlines aid reporting and management processes for developing country governments and their donors. With a majority of its 73 million people living in poverty, Ethiopia’s need for aid is urgent. Yet the lack of efficient…

June 19, 2005
Aid Effectiveness & Management