Posts categorized Data Use

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DG White Paper Release: Understanding Data Use

We know that Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) aims to support accountability and learning, in order to drive better outcomes. Through the Results Data Initiative (RDI), we’ve approached M&E with a critical eye – how can we better allocate M&E funding, and what results are we really striving for?

August 21, 2018 Global Data Policy
Data Use, News/Events, Results Data
Better Data, Better Results: UNICEF Strategies for Success

The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda offers the promise of new technologies, big data sources, and increased government statistical capacity for data-driven policy and progress. However, we cannot assume that more data will result in a better world. Moreover, a data revolution comes with risks: Will SDG reporting consume already-limited government statistical capacity? Will “focus on

September 12, 2017 Data Management Systems and MEL
Data Use, Results Data
Achieving the 2030 Agenda

This year has marked the first since remarkable consensus on the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Agreement, and Addis Ababa Financing for Development conclusions. With world leaders back home, the real work begins...

January 9, 2017
Data Use
Beyond Data: Leadership, Values, and the Data Revolution

Much has been made recently of the return on character – that core leadership values, like integrity, responsibility, forgiveness, and compassion, have a...

October 13, 2015
Data Use
Designing a Human-Centered Data Revolution

At the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals is the need to ensure that nobody is left behind...

September 18, 2015
Data Use
A Data Revolution from the Inside Out

The eight Millennium Development Goals are targeted for completion in 2015, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be the world’s new targets. These SDGs necessitate a “Data Revolution,” and every organization needs to start laying the groundwork now for a successful future.

March 19, 2015
Data Use
A World that Counts vs. A World that Hides

'The Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution has released their report, A World that Counts: Mobilising the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, which outlines how to enact the data revolution into the Sustainable Development Goals. In true MDG/SDG global goal setting fashion the report proposes a “Global Consensus on Data,” a “Network of Data Innovation Networks,” a UN-led “Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data,” and an “SDGs data lab.”'

November 26, 2014
Data Use