Posts categorized News/Events

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Open Contracting in Vietnam

Development Gateway is proud to announce a new program with the Government of Vietnam, supported by the World Bank Open Contracting team to help increase the transparency...

November 12, 2015
News/Events, Procurement
How to Find, Analyze, and Apply Aid Data

The global community, as represented at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit and beyond, has made strides in producing a variety of open data, including open aid data....

November 4, 2015
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events, Open Data
Meet you at #OGP15

This week, DG is participating in the Open Government Partnership’s 2015 Global Summit in Mexico City....

October 27, 2015
RDI Consultation Readout

On September 23, Development Gateway hosted a consultation meeting for the Results Data Initiative (RDI)....

October 15, 2015
News/Events, Results Data
Open Data in Senegal

The Senegalese Government showcased its commitment towards establishing an Open Data policy by hosting a workshop with the theme...

October 1, 2015
News/Events, Open Data
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data Launch

Development Gateway is proud to be a champion of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data...

September 28, 2015
Turning Goals into Reality

This post is excerpted from Development Gateway’s quarterly newsletter.

September 10, 2015
Talking Tools for Use in Tanzania

Over the next couple of days, we’re looking forward to discussing open data tools with attendees of the Africa Open Data Conference in Dar...

September 3, 2015
Innovation, News/Events, Open Data
Moving in One Direction: Technology and Transatlantic Development

'People first, technology second.' These words summarize 'Space to Innovate,' a recent event co-hosted by the German Marshall Fund and Development Gateway...

August 27, 2015
From Goal to Progress: Making the Most of Data

As the formal adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals approaches, we already know what the SDGs will be – now it’s time to talk seriously about...

August 19, 2015