Posts categorized Open Data

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Development Gateway and the Eggheads of Open Data

The real work of open data requires digging in when the excitement fades, doing the hard and tedious work maintaining and adapting systems, constantly reflecting upon the underlying assumptions of our theories of change around open data, and testing those assumptions again and again with painstaking, rigorous evaluation. A guest post from Dr. Catherine Weaver explores UT Austin's partnership with DG.

July 31, 2020
20YearsOfDG, Open Data
Quand le Covid-19 Confirme la Nécessité d’une Commande Publique Ouverte au Sénégal

Chaque année, les gouvernements dépensent des milliards de dollars, dans la commande publique de biens et services - s’ils ne mettent pas en avant le concept de redevabilité, beaucoup de ressources peuvent être perdues au gaspillage ou à la corruption. Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, la transparence dans les marchés publics, plus précisément la commande publique ouverte, est nécessaire au Sénégal et dans le monde, au moment les gouvernements se mobilisent pour lutter contre la pandémie du Covid-19 et essaient de s'en remettre, tout en s'efforçant de venir en aide aux populations les plus vulnérables. 

May 6, 2020 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Français, Open Data, Procurement
When Covid-19 Confirms the Need for Open Contracting in Senegal

Each year, governments spend trillions of dollars through public procurement of goods and services – without a focus on accountability, much can be lost through waste or corruption. Today, more than ever, transparency in public procurement and  Open Contracting is needed in Senegal and around the world as governments respond to and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.

May 6, 2020 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Open Data, Procurement
Now Live – Kenya’s First Subnational Open Contracting Portal!

It’s not every day in the open technology space that the opportunity to be the very first at something arises. But last week, we were a part of the launch of the Government of Makueni County’s Open Contracting Portal – Kenya’s first sub-national open contracting portal.

December 17, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Launch, Open Data, Procurement, Program
Why use Kettle to publish data using the OCDS Standard? // Por qué utilizar kettle para la publicación de datos en el estándar EDCA ?

Esta publicación está disponible en español al final de esta página. In Argentina, the National Roadwork Directorate (DNV) is responsible for improving and expanding the country’s extensive network of highways and roads – an essential body to infrastructure initiatives. In early 2019, DG began collaborating with DNV to publish its contracting data using the OCDS through an open data portal.

December 9, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, Open Data, Procurement, Tech Stack
A New OCDS portal for Argentina’s Dirección Nacional de Vialidad // Un nuevo portal EDCA para la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad de Argentina

Esta publicación está disponible en español al final de esta página. Over the last 10 months, Development Gateway (DG) has worked with Argentina’s National Roadworks Directorate (DNV) to create an Open Contracting (OC) data portal for the DNV.

December 4, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, News/Events, Open Data, Procurement, Program
OCDS for Accountability in Makueni County

With partners Hivos East Africa and the Government of Makueni County (GMC), Development Gateway (DG) is pleased to be driving towards developing an approach to sustainable procurement processes in Makeuni, using the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS). Over the past months, we have provided support to the GMC in recording and publishing its procurement data.

May 3, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Open Data, Program, Subnational
Can a Centralized Digital Repository Support Country-level Data Use and Sharing?

In late September, in preparation for the release of USAID’s new Development Data Library (DDL), Development Gateway (DG) and the USAID Data Services Team visited USAID staff and implementing partners in Nepal and Cambodia. During their visit, the Data Services Team and DG hosted a workshop to introduce partners to the new DDL platform through

December 13, 2018 Agriculture
Open Data
Sharing the OpenDCH StoryMap: Exploring the Mapping Process in Côte d’Ivoire

The Open Geospatial Data Center for Health (OpenDCH) program aims to address gaps in both data supply and demand in Côte d'Ivoire, focusing on stakeholder engagement, alignment of data sources, and forging of data literacy. OpenDCH is a partnership between AidData, Development Gateway, the Ministry of Health’s Direction de l'Informatique et de l'Information Sanitaire (DIIS), and USAID/Côte d’Ivoire.

December 3, 2018 Health
Open Data, Program
Cracking Open the IATI Tool Guide

As the number of tools and resources for using and publishing data to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) continues to increase, it gets harder to keep track of what is available, and how maximize each tool’s benefits. To address this, we at Development Gateway put together the IATI Tool Guide, a one-stop guide to IATI tools and resources.

November 29, 2018 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Open Data, Program