Posts categorized Aid Effectiveness & Management

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Where Does $1 Billion in Official Development Assistance Go in Nepal?

On April 16, the Nepal Ministry of Finance (MoF) formally launched its second-annual Development Cooperation Report (DCR) for fiscal year 2012. The DCR, which aggregates and analyzes information from the Nepal Aid Management Platform (AMP), dissects and displays for the public how $US 1 billion in development assistance – representing 26% of the national budget - was used in Nepal over the past year.

May 8, 2013
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events
La République Démocratique du Congo décentralise l’utilisation de la PGAI au niveau provincial

La Constitution du 18 février 2006 a adopté la décentralisation comme mode de gestion des affaires de l’Etat à travers trois paliers du pouvoir (central, provincial et local) et prévoit le passage de l’Etat congolais de 11 à 26 provinces. De plus, le Forum national de haut niveau sur l’efficacité de l’aide qui a eu lieu en 2009 à Kinshasa a permis d’identifier un besoin réel au niveau des provinces de disposer d’informations fiables et en temps réel sur les projets mis en œuvre dans leur circonscription.

April 26, 2013
Aid Effectiveness & Management, En Français
La République Démocratique du Congo et l’Initiative Internationale pour la Transparence de l’Aide

La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est partie prenante de toutes les initiatives internationales qui participent à la réforme des mécanismes de coordination de l’aide et à l’amélioration de son impact dans les pays bénéficiaires.

April 22, 2013
Aid Effectiveness & Management, En Français, Open Data
Geocoding and Opening Aid Information in Nepal with USAID Support

The Government of Nepal (GoN) recently hosted a team of AidData and Development Gateway staff for our first geocoding effort as part of the AidData Center for Development Policy program with USAID. Alena Stern, Dustin Homer, Josh Powell, and Dina Abdel-Fattah took our work to a broader audience of government officials, donors, and concerned citizens.

April 16, 2013
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Announcing the Plataforma de Gestión de la Cooperación

Today the Government of Honduras is launching their Aid Management Platform (Plataforma de Gestión de la Cooperación - PGC). rnrnThe PGC contains information on all external cooperation projects in the country, and allows citizens to interact with the information through public reports, documents, maps, and graphics. This marks the first time the Government of Honduras has made information like this publicly available online.

April 11, 2013 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management, En Español
Dear Gov Citizen Engagement Videos: Our Knight News Challenge Entry’

I am Taryn Davis and I've entered Development Gateway into the Knight News Challenge with my Dear Gov idea. We want to enable citizens of Nepal to interact with government by introducing them to mapped development projects within their community and develop a platform to display citizen feedback and 15 second “Dear Gov” videos layered with the mapped project info.

April 2, 2013 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management
AMP Direct Impact: 2012 Laos Foreign Aid Implementation Report

The Ministry of Planning and Investment of the Lao PDR released last week its annual Foreign Aid Implementation Report (FAIR) for the fiscal year 2011-2012. This year's FAIR is unique because it is the first FAIR report published by the Ministry to be comprised of Official Development Assistance (ODA) data entirely from the Aid Management Platform (AMP).

March 27, 2013 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Transparency, Accountability and Results at the 5th AMP Best Practices Workshop

The AMP Best Practices Workshop, Development Gateway’s annual flagship event, took place for the fifth consecutive year in December 2012, in Dakar, Senegal. rnrnFocusing on development related themes such as transparency, accountability and results, the event attracts a growing number of participants from countries using the Aid Management Platform (AMP), donors and partner organisations. Since the first event, organised in Nairobi in 2008, the AMP family has grown to 22 countries1, spread over four continents.

March 11, 2013
Aid Effectiveness & Management
Development Gateway Extends AMP Support In Honduras

Development Gateway is pleased to announce that we will be extending the implementation of the Aid Management Program with the government of Honduras, thanks to the support of UNDP Honduras, the European Union, and the Canadian International Development Agency. We will continue the implementation of the AMP (or PGC in Spanish) to support the government’s commitment to increase the efficiency of aid and to make aid information more transparent.rnrnDG will build on the last year of work with Honduras to:

February 21, 2013
Aid Effectiveness & Management
How Aid Management Fellowships Benefit Governments

You may not have been aware of the fact that AidData and Development Gateway have a program that offers governments the opportunity to have in-depth, in-country support for an extended period of time. Aid Management Fellows work directly with country governments that are using Development Gateway’s Aid Management Program (AMP) to improve the process and systems involved, and ensure accurate, complete, and up-to-date data.

February 7, 2013 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management