Posts categorized Procurement

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Why use Kettle to publish data using the OCDS Standard? // Por qué utilizar kettle para la publicación de datos en el estándar EDCA ?

Esta publicación está disponible en español al final de esta página. In Argentina, the National Roadwork Directorate (DNV) is responsible for improving and expanding the country’s extensive network of highways and roads – an essential body to infrastructure initiatives. In early 2019, DG began collaborating with DNV to publish its contracting data using the OCDS through an open data portal.

December 9, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, Open Data, Procurement, Tech Stack
A New OCDS portal for Argentina’s Dirección Nacional de Vialidad // Un nuevo portal EDCA para la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad de Argentina

Esta publicación está disponible en español al final de esta página. Over the last 10 months, Development Gateway (DG) has worked with Argentina’s National Roadworks Directorate (DNV) to create an Open Contracting (OC) data portal for the DNV.

December 4, 2019 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, News/Events, Open Data, Procurement, Program
Developer-to-Developer Mentorship in Bandung, Indonesia: A Blueprint for Open Contracting Success

Since April of this year, DG has been collaborating with the World Bank and a developer consultant from the Bandung City Government to publish the Government’s procurement data in Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) format. This partnership has led to the launch of an exciting new procurement data portal for Bandung, with a functioning OCDS API.

November 13, 2018 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
News/Events, Open Data, Procurement
DG and ONG 3D: Collaborating to Engage Senegalese Stakeholders in Open Contracting

As we've covered before, DG is pleased to be supporting the advancement of Open Contracting (OC) and enhancing data use in Senegal and Uganda. Through the Hewlett Foundation, we'll be completing a series of data use projects over the next two years, collaborating with local actors and developing tools to take existing open contracting efforts to the next level. In Senegal, we're working with the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP) and civil society partners to support the Government of Senegal and other key stakeholders in using procurement data to enhance procurement results.

September 11, 2018 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Innovation, Open Data, Procurement
Moving Towards Procurement Data Use in Uganda

Uganda’s procurement authority, the Public Procurement Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA), is a pioneer in seeking to improve the use of public funds through open contracting. Through a grant from the Hewlett Foundation, Development Gateway (DG) recently began collaborating with both organizations to further support open contracting in Uganda, taking PPDA and AFIC’s efforts to the next level.

April 12, 2018 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Cómo utilizar estándares internacionales para mejorar los datos abiertos de compras y contrataciones públicas: el caso de ChileCompra

La Dirección de Compras y Contratación Pública de Chile (ChileCompra) es un líder regional de la transparencia en materia de compras públicas. Durante 2017, Development Gateway (DG) ejecutó una consultoría de elaboración de un Plan de mejora de datos abiertos para ChileCompra. El objetivo principal de la consultoría fue establecer un plan de acción que

February 21, 2018 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, News/Events, Procurement
Open Contracting for the Future: Three Frontier Issues

The future of open contracting depends on the ability of governments and citizens to open up the entire public contracting cycle, create feedback channels, and use open contracting data to improve procurement results. But there remain a number of crucial issues that will advance or hinder the open contracting agenda in the years ahead. In

November 27, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Open Data, Procurement
From Transparency to Data Use: Rising to Open Contracting’s Next Challenge

At Development Gateway, we are investing in open contracting because we believe in the value it brings for both governments and citizens. Over the past several years, we have conducted over 10 open contracting assessments, developed backend tools for converting and publishing data in the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), and created a suite of

November 16, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Press Release: Open Contracting in East & West Africa

Open contracting aims to enable governments and citizens to more effectively use procurement data in decision making and monitoring of procurement results. While many governments have made commitments to open contracting (OC), their efforts, in a number of instances, have tended to focus on OC compliance. For governments and citizens to realize the potential benefits

October 23, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
News/Events, Procurement
Is Your Data OCDS Compliant? Introducing the jOCDS Validator

When it comes to open data, the devil is in the details. Publishing data in an open format is admirable — but in order to be valuable, the data must meet basic criteria for formatting and standardization. That’s why DG is contributing its open source jOCDS Validator to the international open contracting community. Tested with

September 26, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics