Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Define, Co-Design, and Repeat: Putting Usability Testing to the Test in Tanzania

Last month, the Results Data Initiative (RDI) convened its second cross-ministry co-design workshop — surfacing new opportunities for the Government of Tanzania to put health data to use at the local level. This two-day workshop re-convened stakeholders from across ministries and local governments, building on the priorities they identified in the first workshop back in

December 13, 2017 Process & Tools
Process, Results Data
Focus, Progress, Transition: dgMarket a New Company

In the past months, we have shared updates on various exciting new opportunities in the procurement and open contracting (OC) space. To name a few, we’ve shared news of a Hewlett Foundation grant to implement OC data use projects in Senegal and Uganda, an OC joint research agenda, and developing new tools to validate data.

December 1, 2017
Open Contracting for the Future: Three Frontier Issues

The future of open contracting depends on the ability of governments and citizens to open up the entire public contracting cycle, create feedback channels, and use open contracting data to improve procurement results. But there remain a number of crucial issues that will advance or hinder the open contracting agenda in the years ahead. In

November 27, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Open Data, Procurement
From Transparency to Data Use: Rising to Open Contracting’s Next Challenge

At Development Gateway, we are investing in open contracting because we believe in the value it brings for both governments and citizens. Over the past several years, we have conducted over 10 open contracting assessments, developed backend tools for converting and publishing data in the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), and created a suite of

November 16, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
Analysis, Action, and Learning: Understanding Next Steps for SEMA and Water Point Data

In addition to supporting timely data collection about water access in Tanzania, the Sensors, Empowerment, and Accountability (SEMA) network provides a public-facing District Water Engineer Dashboard. Figure 1: Screenshot of DWE Dashboard Map This dashboard allows key audiences – citizens, District Water Engineers (DWEs), other Ministry of Water and Irrigation officials – to easily view the

November 14, 2017
SEMA and Citizen-Generated Data

“Basically, we used to have two methods of getting information on water infrastructure… The first… [was] the water department at the municipal level would visit the villages once or twice a year during the months of June and December to do stock-taking of all water points and their functionality status. “The second method was to

November 7, 2017
Innovation, Open Data
Sensors, Empowerment, and Accountability: Tapping Water Resources in Tanzania

Access to safe water is essential to our health and wellbeing. As an international community, we recognize this as demonstrated by our commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 6, “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” At the national level, universal access to safe water is a core indicator in Tanzania Vision

October 31, 2017
Innovation, Open Data
Social Good Summit 2017: Technology, Innovation, and a Call to Action

On September 17th, the UN Foundation’s Social Good Summit took place at the 92nd Street Y in NYC as a kickoff to the 72nd Meeting of the UN General Assembly. Entrepreneurs, experts, activists, and SDG Global Goalkeepers gathered in a call to action about how we will integrate technology and innovation into our vision for

October 24, 2017 Global Data Policy
Press Release: Open Contracting in East & West Africa

Open contracting aims to enable governments and citizens to more effectively use procurement data in decision making and monitoring of procurement results. While many governments have made commitments to open contracting (OC), their efforts, in a number of instances, have tended to focus on OC compliance. For governments and citizens to realize the potential benefits

October 23, 2017 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
News/Events, Procurement
Decision Space and Development Cooperation

This post builds upon a DG contribution to the 2017 OECD Development Cooperation Report, launched on October 17, 2017. All too often, discussions about managing for results in development fail to specify who is managing, what decisions they are authorized to make, or what results data are being used. Identifying the who and whats is

October 18, 2017
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Results Data