Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world
The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.
Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

China’s Development Finance to Africa: A Media-Based Approach to Data Collection
How big is China’s aid to Africa? Does it complement or undermine the efforts of traditional donors? China releases little information and outside estimates of the size and nature of Chinese aid vary widely. In an effort to overcome this problem, AidData has compiled a database of thousands of media reports on Chinese-backed projects in Africa from 2000-2011. The database includes information on 1,673 projects in 51 African countries, and $75 billion in commitments of official finance.

La République Démocratique du Congo et l’Initiative Internationale pour la Transparence de l’Aide
La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est partie prenante de toutes les initiatives internationales qui participent à la réforme des mécanismes de coordination de l’aide et à l’amélioration de son impact dans les pays bénéficiaires.

Geocoding and Opening Aid Information in Nepal with USAID Support
The Government of Nepal (GoN) recently hosted a team of AidData and Development Gateway staff for our first geocoding effort as part of the AidData Center for Development Policy program with USAID. Alena Stern, Dustin Homer, Josh Powell, and Dina Abdel-Fattah took our work to a broader audience of government officials, donors, and concerned citizens.

Announcing the Plataforma de Gestión de la Cooperación
Today the Government of Honduras is launching their Aid Management Platform (Plataforma de Gestión de la Cooperación - PGC). rnrnThe PGC contains information on all external cooperation projects in the country, and allows citizens to interact with the information through public reports, documents, maps, and graphics. This marks the first time the Government of Honduras has made information like this publicly available online.

Our Vision for Citizen Engagement
Recently in Washington and London, we participated in Citizen Voices, a global conference on citizen engagement for enhanced development impact with the World Bank. At both events, there was much talk about the role of technology in empowering citizen feedback loops to improve development outcomes.

Announcing the First Annual AidData Map-Off with USAID
AidData staff is engaging students at the College of William and Mary to put their geocoding and mapping skills to the test accepting USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah’s challenge to “inspire and support the next generation of development leaders,”.

Dear Gov Citizen Engagement Videos: Our Knight News Challenge Entry’
I am Taryn Davis and I've entered Development Gateway into the Knight News Challenge with my Dear Gov idea. We want to enable citizens of Nepal to interact with government by introducing them to mapped development projects within their community and develop a platform to display citizen feedback and 15 second “Dear Gov” videos layered with the mapped project info.

AMP Direct Impact: 2012 Laos Foreign Aid Implementation Report
The Ministry of Planning and Investment of the Lao PDR released last week its annual Foreign Aid Implementation Report (FAIR) for the fiscal year 2011-2012. This year's FAIR is unique because it is the first FAIR report published by the Ministry to be comprised of Official Development Assistance (ODA) data entirely from the Aid Management Platform (AMP).

Transparency, Accountability and Results at the 5th AMP Best Practices Workshop
The AMP Best Practices Workshop, Development Gateway’s annual flagship event, took place for the fifth consecutive year in December 2012, in Dakar, Senegal. rnrnFocusing on development related themes such as transparency, accountability and results, the event attracts a growing number of participants from countries using the Aid Management Platform (AMP), donors and partner organisations. Since the first event, organised in Nairobi in 2008, the AMP family has grown to 22 countries1, spread over four continents.

Open Development Technology Alliance Now Runs on Zunia Technology
The Open Development Technology Alliance (ODTA) aims to enhance accountability and improve the delivery and quality of public services through technology-enabled citizen engagement. The ODTA is an initiative of The World Bank, anchored by the World Bank Institute, the Social Development Department and the ICT Sector Unit of The World Bank.